Monday, January 9, 2012

A Must-Read Mark Steyn

The Left's So-Called Empathy
It doesn’t extend to conservatives or dead babies.

Arguably, one of the best things he's ever written.


  1. The left only empathizes with you when they own you.

  2. The far left is mean to the point of viciousness. They have infested the Democratic party, and regular working folks are abandoning them in droves. There are nearly as many indies now as there are Rs or Ds.

    Steyn shines his spotlight on these filthy cockroaches, and they skitter back to the dark baseboards. When they emerge again, he'll be there.

    This is an exceptionally good piece by Steyn. Thanks florrie.

  3. I was struck by what you were saying yesterday, lady red...about your acquaintances on FB who write political comments and then get really ugly and vicious when challenged.

  4. florrie, I usually find Steyn a bit too "over the top" as a polemicist, but I really liked this piece. He didn't need to amp the rhetoric because he really didn't need to.

    And riffing on what lady red said - yes, the far left is driving people away from the Democrats. I'm content to try to convince (liberal) folks that "these people (Dem elites) are not your friends". Tea Party membership comes later... ;)
