This systemic discrimination and harassment that silences marginalized minority peoples’ voices, such as me as a Racialized Ethical Vegan, is a serious threat towards freedom of speech and freedom of belief
Say what?
I believe that the faculty’s reaction has its basis in the strict religious belief of ‘men’s domination over animals’ that racialized people’s suffering should not be spoken about in the same context of animal suffering and that sympathy for animal suffering is not as important as sympathy for racialized peoples’ suffering
My head.
It exploded.
I kept seeing the word "racialized" as radicalized. Not sure I've ever seen "racialized" before.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm probably a victim of it anyway, damn it. Can't you people see how I've suffered and been oppressed. I mean, how can you not be racist against me, I am after all a racialized something or other.
I'd pay good money to see this twit last five minutes against afw in a debate. Heck, I'd even bet on the evil blonde child decimating her in four.
Fay, you're probably biracial, just like me. Anglo and Saxon.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what the school can possibly offer as a defense however. Having bought into the insanity for a Penny, they must be liable for the Pound.
In response to criticism equating humans with animals is a common racist trope, she said that she, as a racialized woman, cannot be racist. “How am I being racist if ‘race’ is a part of my identity?”
The school here is utterly insulting: caught out on their bullshit, what do they do - they play the race card. Really? This is the best they've got? Whatever else one thinks of ethical veganism, they are surely not trading on the "those people are animals" tropes of actual racists. And yet this is precisely what the school is accusing her of! Pathetic! It's as if she were a white Republican, or something. How Wooowd!, as JarJar Binks would say.
And then the ethical vegan blows it by invoking the "I can't be racist 'cause I ain't white" trope. Yes you can lady, even if, in this case, you're not. But you couldn't resist wading into that fetid swamp, even though you were on much, much firmer ground to begin with. Also pathetic.
Honestly I couldn't have concocted a better time waster for the Human Rights Tribunal if I tried. Everyone in this saga utterly deserves each other. Everything is as it should be. All is well!
OOps, well, forgive me Fay, but in my haste to make a clever point I foregrounded your British Canadian heritage over your religious heritage. Make that "tri-racial". Sorries!
ReplyDelete"OOps, well, forgive me Fay, but in my haste to make a clever point I foregrounded your British Canadian heritage over your religious heritage. Make that "tri-racial". Sorries! "
ReplyDeleteLOL, does this mean I don't have to drag you in front of the tribunal??? Although I'm not sure "tri-racial" triumphs "racialized"
I'm sooooooooooo confoosed peoples
The truth is that we (prep-schooled New Englander's) would on occasion refer to some of our classmates as WASH - White Anglo Saxon Hebrews. 'Cause they looked and acted just like WASPs, only with different holidays.
ReplyDeletePersonally I've stopped self identifying as WASP and now claim to be dual heritage; Swamp Yankee on my father's side*, Ethnic Townie on my mother's. (These terms actually mean something in Massachusetts). Sadly, I'm kinda serious.
* Well, mostly. Grandma was from an Establishment family from Maine, but we loved her anyway...
"WASH - White Anglo Saxon Hebrews"
ReplyDeleteLOL, never heard that one before.
"And then the ethical vegan blows it by invoking the "I can't be racist 'cause I ain't white" trope. Yes you can lady, even if, in this case, you're not. But you couldn't resist wading into that fetid swamp, even though you were on much, much firmer ground to begin with. Also pathetic."
ReplyDeleteBut the weird thing is, she is white lewy. Did you see her picture? Plus, aren't Turks causican?
But the weird thing is, she is white lewy. Did you see her picture? Plus, aren't Turks causican?
ReplyDeleteThere was a Turkish girl in my highschool class who showed up junior year. In my mind, she was more "dark haired dark eyed sexy accent exotic chick" than "white chick".
Now "white chick" equated to "chicks that looked like my cousins". Not so hawt.
The "dark haired dark eyed sexy accent exotic chick" equated to "chicks that are totally my type".
So in my twisted mind, no, Turkish != White.
But that's just me. ;)
All I knew about anything Turkish growing up, was Fry's Turkish Delight. And I hated it. If anyone bought that chocolate bar for a kid there was something seriously wrong with them.
My preferred ethnic designation is "North American Mutt" Suits me very well with my English-Scotts-Irish-German-Dutch-Native heritage!
ReplyDeleteWonder if I can claim victim status somewhere...
Lyana, the "North American Mutt" thing brings to mind a quote which, thanks to google, I was able to pin down:
ReplyDeleteAll we need is a voluntary, free-spirited, open-ended program of procreative racial deconstruction. Everybody just gotta keep f**kin' everybody 'til they're all the same color. - Bulworth.
So, yeah, Warren Beatty movie about his onanistic fantasy of being President.
But it's interesting - this is pretty much exactly what white Europeans have done, especially in the Oceanic Anglosphere.
The so-called "white race" is pretty much a construct of racists (of all colors), but if it can be said to be grounded in any genetic reality, it is precisely the result of the burial of ancient tribal taboos in an orgiastic, pan-pale program of procreative racial deconstruction.
Maybe I should have posted this under Fay's "irony" post.
I try to be sensitive to other people's eating habits, within limits. If someone is a vegetarian/vegan because meat makes them feel ill, I'll forgo the meat at a party. If someone has a religious dietary restriction, I'll also try to keep that particular (usually ham) meat off the table (although I did screw up and order a pepperoni pizza when Stormi was over because I forgot pepperoni was (1) meat on cheese, and (2) swine - I tend to think of pizza as one thing - a pizza).
ReplyDeleteBut there are some people so obnoxious I just want to pull out a medium rare prime rib and masticate dramatically while slurping on an extra-dairy milkshake as they speak.
Her research project was supposed to be on social work, not animal rights. She's either a drama queen or a yo-yo. Or both.
ReplyDeleteI do owe her a high five; I was running out of inventive things to write when asked for my race/ethnicity. "Racialized Ethical Vegan" will do the job nicely. :D
I take my job of "f*cking with the system" VERY seriously.
I just want to pull out a medium rare prime rib and masticate dramatically while slurping on an extra-dairy milkshake as they speak.
ReplyDeleteI think AFW has the beginnings of a new political movement here. Can I join?
Lady Red, you know, I don't think I have filled one of those out since I have been in the Great White North. I always loved those things: "We do not consider this when hiring/admitting...." Then why is it part of my application, attached to my application, or does it have my name on it? Got any bridges or swamp land to sell me?
Matt, we're constantly filling them out for the university. They're obsessed with "diversity", so we try to oblige them by concocting as much BS as possible.
ReplyDeleteI want to join AFW's movement too. Medium rare prime rib? Mmmm.
"Lyana said...
ReplyDeleteMy preferred ethnic designation is "North American Mutt" Suits me very well with my English-Scotts-Irish-German-Dutch-Native heritage!"
Hey, ditch the Dutch and you could be my sister.
How can the University say they are color-blind yet still have you fill those things out? If they need to make sure there is an acceptable percentage of minorities, then those forms are used for admissions purposes -- I'm sure you notice that they are tied to you somehow. Those are not anonymous forms used strictly for statistical purposes.
ReplyDeleteMatt, every semester we fill out forms for this and that, and they usually have the ubiquitous "race/ethnic" crap. We both pick a different particular of our heritage each time. What can they say? Like Lyana, we're both mutts. Name an ethnic group, and we can name an ancestor. We find the whole thing patently ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteUniversities are NOT color-blind. Nuh uh. I don't know the word for "opposite of color-blind", but that's what they are.
I know, Lady Red. That is why I brought up the point. But how much you wanna bet that at some point, if they wanted to, they will say "Lady Red has been lying on her EEO forms and that makes her untrustworthy."
ReplyDeleteIf there was no connection to me, I wouldn't even fill it out the forms. If I have to fill it out, then there is a connection to me. If they are color-blind (which, I agree, they are not) then they do not need that information.
#16 Dances
ReplyDeleteIt's that mid-Pennsylvania thing; my dad was from the south side of the river near Harrisburg, and his parents' roots were in Camp Hill/Carlisle. There's debate within the family that the Dutch thing isn't Holland Dutch, but Pennsylvania Dutch - which is German.
I know a fair amount about my mom's genealogy (really helps to have DAR records!), but I don't know much about my dad's side of things; I've always wanted to dig into it. Who knows - we could be sixth cousins twice removed! :-)