Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It's The End Of The World As We Knew It

And I don't feel fine.

J. E. Dyer at the Hot Air Green Room gives a lengthy, and frightening rundown of events around the world after the collapse of the Pax Americana.

We certainly do live in interesting times.


  1. This is an excellent and well-researched article that deserves reading, and all the links in it deserve the same.

    THIS is what the world is coming to in the ebbing of US power and status.

    It seems we were, indeed the world's policeman, and the world realizes that the policeman has gone on strike, as it were.

  2. That was an interesting read, Dances, thanks. Though I'll never have time to read all those links, alas.

    I know, duh. But it is an extremely complicated world anymore. As Americas prestige and influence wane fewer and fewer around the world will look at, or appreciate, the ideals that have inspired so many over the last two hundred years or so. I point this out as I think that has been the real threat, our ideals, as perceived by countless despots over the years. Not to say that our military and economic prowness has not led to many a sleepless night for those despots, as they have of course. Though now, too, a portion of the America populace has also lost touch with the ideal of individual freedom and responsibility. That is the fatal flaw that may doom us.

  3. Good article DWT. I haven't read all the links yet.

    Luther, you said ...a portion of the America populace has also lost touch with the ideal of individual freedom and responsibility. That is the fatal flaw that may doom us. You really hit the nail on the head.
