Sunday, August 7, 2011

Rich Man, Poor Man

H/T: HotAir


  1. I should have looked, because I just posted the same thing under the title 'But We Want MORE'

    It is an excellent commentary, and I recommend it highly.

  2. Great video.

    Whittle is on very strong ground with the behavioral psychology of resentment - there is substantial experimental data to verify it. Yes, that guy who got the $100K would likely tear it up rather than see everyone else get $300K.

    He made two comments on taxes: the first one was accurate (regarding income tax). The second one - referencing the half of people who "don't pay any tax" - really isn't. Poor employed people pay FICA, and in most states they pay sales tax - also various excise taxes. These taxes have a real bite when you're poor.
