Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Krauthammer Goodness

I don't always agree with CK, but he summed up Obama's performance yesterday without mincing words: weak, plaintive and small.


  1. President dinky dick strikes again ... and Krauthammer nails him on it. Good for him.

    Over at Legal Insurrection (a worthy site I learned of from Annie & now read regularly) the author says basically that Obama actually thinks that only he is allowed to "draw lines in the sand" ... no one else is allowed to that.

    In other words, ole Jug Ears actually thinks Congress is is "royal court" just there to rubber stamp his personal grand ideas. No debate is worthy unless he wins hands down without much effort.

    I used to think Obama was a kind of funny aberration that we'd get past. He's no longer funny and seems a dangerous presence more like a haunting. The little teeny-weeny man really can wreck us as a nation.

  2. Thanks for the link, looks like a good site so I added it to my reading list as well.

    I think he's dangerous too, I know people laugh at Steyn's "King Barack" moniker for BO but he *does* appear to think he's ruling over all.

  3. Now he's headed to Dover to "view" the bodies of our fallen servicemen. Nothing is sacred, he will insert himself into any situation. Wouldn't it be better to meet privately with the families? Am I off-base on this?

    The bodies of 22 Navy SEALs, three Air Force special operations ground controllers and five Army helicopter crew members were flown to Dover Air Force base from Afghanistan Monday night.

    The president will lead a delegation of senior administration, Department of Defense, and military officials in saluting the flag-draped caskets, National Journal reported.

    A short ceremony for the fallen was conducted at Bagram airfield north of Kabul before the bodies were loaded onto two cargo planes and flown back to the United States, the Los Angeles Times reported.

    The 30 service members were killed when their CH-47 Chinook helicopter was shot down by a Taliban insurgent using a rocket propelled grenade Saturday -- the most deadly single attack since the beginning of the Afghanistan war in 2001.

    Pentagon officials announced Monday they will not allow any media coverage of the arrival of the remains because the troops technically are unidentified.

    The news of Obama's visit comes after the White House announced it had canceled his trip to Virginia Tuesday morning to speak about auto fuel efficiency standards.

    The president had been due to travel to Springfield, Va., to make mid-morning remarks at a local moving company called Interstate Moving Services.

    Instead, the president will hold a closed meeting with industry officials at the White House. The daily press briefing by White House spokesman Jay Carney was also canceled.

    The president was due to meet privately with Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner in the Oval Office in the afternoon.

    At least there won't be any photo ops.

  4. imgw:"http://pajamasmedia.com/instapundit/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/ODowngradev2b-600x175.jpg"

    Also from Legal Insurrection.

  5. Good link aridog. Thanks. Love the bumper sticker too. :D

  6. Florrie, I don't know why Obama isn't allowing photos in Dover, but I'm appreciative. Maybe he does have a heart in there somewhere.

    Now if he could just locate a brain...

  7. Hopefully the country has learned and will not make a mistake like this again. That being said, the Republicans did not help matters by nominating one of the biggest RINOs last time around. The best I can say about a McCain Presidency is that we would have floundered about, not sunk straight to the bottom. The GOP needs to get the entrenched Good Ol' Boys out of the leadership and get people with spines leading the party instead.

  8. "Wouldn't it be better to meet privately with the families? Am I off-base on this?"

    Personally, I don't think so, florrie.

    I can't help but see his 'viewing' as nothing but a manipulative and cynical political ploy, including the 'no photos' bit. All carefully and throughly thought out to maximize that 'heart' of his to his willing supporters.

    I'm too cynical anymore I guess.

  9. Thanks, Luther, I'm really appreciative of hearing the perspective of a U.S. Marine.

  10. I trust you saw where the White House released a picture of Obuma anyway. The Pentagon was caught off guard on it.

  11. Oh, that g-d damned loser! They took a photo op over the objections of the majority of the families and released it. I can't begin to express what I'm feeling right now.

    Link from Drudge

  12. Matt, I didn't. My niece came to visit for the day so I've had a news blackout until about an hour ago.

  13. The comments express my feelings pretty well.

  14. They just couldn't resist could they, florrie.

    Perhaps I'm not overly cynical after all.

    Thanks for the tip, Matt.
