Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Matt!

A pint!

And a kiss!

And cake!


  1. Yay! Happy Birthday Matt! May you have a wonderful year of health, happiness and success in your studies, and many happy returns with your beautiful Fay until 120!


  2. Happy birthday Matt!

    Man I love that photo... it's your I haz a brew portrait...

  3. A Joyful HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Radio Matt.

    And many, many more.

  4. Happy Birthday Matt!!! :X

    Wishing you a wonderful day with your lovely Fay!

  5. Happy Birthday Matt, may all your hopes and dreams come true!

  6. A pint, a cake, a kiss, my good friends, and my sweetie! Who could ask for anything more?

    Thank you everyone!

  7. Happy Birthday, my friend! May it be super-awesome!

    You already have a gorgeous woman by your side, so I'll just wish a perfect dinner and the heartiest ale for you. :)

    And some music... I think some Nina or Ella? I'll see what I can dig up for you. :)

  8. Happy Birthday Matt! I agree with Lewy ... that "I can haz brew" is perfect.

    Hey!! I had to agree with Lewy on something today :D

  9. Happy Birthday, Matt, and many, many more!

    You are a true gentleman and a scholar. I'm grateful we are friends!

  10. Thank you all. That gorgeous woman will be preparing her delicious spaghetti and meatballs tonight! Yum.

    And she got me some neat shaving stuff for my birthday. I can take a hint!

  11. Hey- Happy Birthday, Matt! I hope it was a great one.

  12. (Jourdan posting:)

    Happy b-day, Matt! Man, that beer looks good. Central European pilsner is good stuff, but after awhile a man wants something a bit more hefty!

  13. Might I suggest something "refined" that is both hefty and subtle ...


  14. Actually, Matt. That 'ale' photo reminds me of one of the times the wife and I were in Victoria

    A perfect day right downtown, an outdoor dining area overlooking a busy street. A woman who hates smoking, but I proffered her a Cuban fresh bought and several dark ales... she smoked the whole damn thing! A perfect afternoon!!
