Monday, August 1, 2011

Don't Stop Believin'

I'm not a "Glee" fan. But if miming & dancing to the show song arrangements brings humour and joy to our* troops I'm all for it.

Herewith, the 7 Commando Battery of the British Army amusing themselves in Afganistan.

You go guys, and stay safe, and most of all THANK YOU!

*By "our" I mean all the Western alliance soldiers, especially British, Canadian & American.

Hearts be still ladies!


  1. So Regan is running to get to me, right???


  2. I'm in love, in love with Remy in the latrine! :-)

    I have not seen the show so am unfamiliar with the song but I thought their rendition was awesome! It made me think of the Brits in Iraq singing "The Way to Amarillo". God Bless them and bring them all home soon. These men are so brave, putting their lives on the line every day - some for several tours. I could never be that courageous. They will always have my whole-hearted support and prayers.

    Thanks, Fay, for posting it.

  3. Yes, I remember the "Amarillo" video as well florrie, it was great.

    I'm just so glad that all our troops have this social media outlet. As much as we might think that FB/YouTube/Whatever/ stuff is meaningless, if it helps our troops I am all for it.

  4. The Royal Dragoon Guards (UK), Al Faw, Iraq are never too old to listen to again.

    The clip tore at my heart and brought back memories of another far away time and place. The "spirit" of soldiers never seems to change...they truly make lemonade from lemons.

  5. I love them all, and I hope they are ALL home safely with their loved ones soon.

    *sniffing and fanning myself at the same time...*

  6. I love them. :)

    Did you ever see the unintentionally hilarious video of the Brits making an amphibious landing? And they laughed it off, as well.

    I do love them.

  7. Boy I needed that today, thanks for posting fay!

  8. airforcewife said...

    Did you ever see the unintentionally hilarious video of the Brits making an amphibious landing? And they laughed it off, as well

    This one?

    It's not nice to make reference without a link =)) Enquiring peeps need to know!!
