Friday, August 26, 2011

Back To School

As most of you know, Matt is leaving his job on August 31 and going back to school (September 6) to become a Dispensing Optician. We are having a little party for him this Saturday (I wish you all could be here!).

So, here is some back to school music for Matt, and lady red, and Noah, and Wendy (Sojourner):

All in all it's just what you expect! I love this song. Even though it's completely alien to my beliefs, my politics, and my philosophy. Go figure.

Sam Cooke:


Sam Cooke, he be delicious:

And now, the required Canadian content! The Beau-Marks with "Class Mates"

Finally, Bobby Curtola with "Three Rows Over"



  1. "Even though it's completely alien to my beliefs, my politics, and my philosophy. Go figure. "

    But, yet. It appeals to your independence, your insistence of your own individuality, your basic right for the freedom to walk your own path.

    That is the conundrum we were born into, the conundrum we face every day.

    That fine line we tread with chaos and order on one side or the other.

    Good luck and God speed, Matt.

  2. It appeals to your independence, your insistence of your own individuality, your basic right for the freedom to walk your own path."

    Excellent Luther. You nailed it.

  3. You're a braver man than me, Matt. I still have exam nightmares - if I wasn't an autodidact I'd be ignorant.

    I'm thinking of taking a free online course from Stanford this fall. Even that is traumatizing, just thinking about it...

  4. Oh, forgot - ditto what Luther said.

    ("Godspeed" is forever associated in my mind with being packed in a tin can and shot into space... which I would rather risk than go back to school... so yeah, "Good luck and Godspeed...") :)

  5. Beautiful words Luther.

    I'm so excited for you Matt; I know you'll excel once you sweep off the cobwebs (that takes a few weeks). It's a bit scary; just keep your sense of humor up and your stress level down. (yeah, I'm talking to myself. It's become a mantra, lol!).

    Noah and I are cheering for you all the way! :)

  6. Thank you for the post, Fay. And thank you for the good wishes. :x

  7. I love The Wall - every note :-)

    Wishing you best of luck, Matt, I know you will excel, especially with such a supportive person at your side.

  8. I love that song, too.

    Matt, you will be amazing!

    I wish more sensible people entered the medical profession, you and the reds will be a GREAT addition.

    Now if I can only figure out how to get the three of you in my treatment network...

  9. We could just start a commune someplace!

  10. Hey, way to go Matt! Best of luck to you, man.

  11. Thank you Alphie! I am sure gonna give it my best shot.

  12. Dammit. I don't know if it was blogger or my blackberry, but my very long post just got eaten before I even finished typing.

    Screw it. I'll simply add that I'll be going back to school- only part time- this fall as well.

  13. Luther ... perfect words. You "get" the symbolism of "The Wall" ... and IMO it is contrary to the politically correct teaching of the 60's, let alone today. Had it appeared in the 60's it might have bombed ... or turned a generation around...where freedom could be revered, not just ring, without insistence upon alignment with one theory or another. We had that, just a little, in the 60's, but it was drowned, literally, out.

    Lewy ... autodidact eh? I've been called that many times, correctly I'd say. We should form a club.

    Matt ... good luck man, you've got more gumption that I do. May it be among your best experiences.

  14. Alphie, inquiring minds want details!

    Hope this is leading you in a direction you're really interested in.

    PS - I left this comment last night (I thought), who knows where it wandered off to...

  15. Congratulations, Matt, and the greatest of good luck in what you are doing.

  16. Good luck, Matt- you'll get through the slog just fine!
