Sunday, July 10, 2011

Y'all Come On In!

By executive fiat, Obama has gutted ICE, and gone far beyond the DREAM Act.

F'in yay.


  1. Progressivism is an evil disease. It seems though that my only option is to vote. Other options seem unrealizable in this day and age.

    Besides, it seems too late. 2012 will tell.

  2. Par for the course, really. And let us remember that Republicans are hardly better. Democrats want votes and cheap domestic "help", Republicans want cheap labor for their corporate puppeteers.

    And both parties seek disempowerment and the ultimate destruction of the white middle class (and weakening of the civil society together with it). So that this country becomes like Brazil or Mexico.

  3. How many battles can the federal government pursue at the same time when going against the states that have enacted strict illegal immigration laws?

    And who's to say the the feds would win anyway?

  4. Obama is over-flexing his executive muscles to quietly usher in open borders, gun control, and a "green" economic coup.

    Where are the "checks and balances"? The legislative branch should be screaming bloody murder! From the rooftops!

    And the judicial branch? It's busy rumbling under the weight of its own intellectual corruption.
