Friday, July 22, 2011

Terror Attack In Oslo

An enormous explosion has ripped through government buildings in Oslo. A car bomb is suspected, and at least two fatalities have been reported.


  1. There are now reports of another terrorist attack 500 miles from Oslo at a youth camp. Early reports say 5 people were shot and killed by someone dressed as a police officer.

  2. Been watching the broadcasts from Norway. Tons of windows and they say that they will probably find allot more dead once a search is underway. Reports many will die as a result of the concussions of the bombs. It makes sense, because in bombings in Israel, people walk around not hurt on the outside, but organs and tissues torn inside.

    I don't live a big city here, but I still watch my back. We have a Somalia problem here. I keep wondering when Helsinki will get hit.

    Prayers to Norway and it's people.

  3. Pamela - What are the tone of the reports in Scandanavia? Is it America's fault?

  4. Update: 7 killed in bombing, 9 or 10 in shooting attack.

  5. I can't wait until the US has an administration that has the guts to call it as it is. Why do we give aid to these people?

  6. Now I'm seeing reports that 70 people were killed by the shooter???

    A blond blue eyed Norwegian. Or so the report reports.

  7. Not only blond haired and blue eyed, but an anti-Islam Norwegian nationalist. And the camp he attacked was a Labor Party youth camp.

    Excuse my punctuation but this f#%king d005hb@g murdering f&#kwit f&^king f*#ker has not only murdered close to a hundred people in cold blood, but quite possibly has single handedly made a martyr of the Left and rehabilitated Multicultural politics in Europe.


  8. The WSJ is reporting 91 dead, and police are still searching the waters around the island. My heart goes out to all the families who have lost their loved ones in these senseless acts of cowardice.

    The press is labeling the terrorist as a blond, blue-eyed, right-wing extremist. The left will run this massacre up on their flagpole for months, just like they did with the maniac who shot Giffords.

    This newest whacko is nothing more than a cold-blooded killer of innocent children and citizens. I'd like to see him stood up against a wall and shot for the punk that he is, but in touchy-feely Norway, he'll probably get a few years in a country-club "prison" plus counseling (and maybe a group hug or two).

  9. Lewy said: "Excuse my punctuation but this f#%king d005hb@g murdering f&#kwit f&^king f*#ker has not only murdered close to a hundred people in cold blood, but quite possibly has single handedly made a martyr of the Left and rehabilitated Multicultural politics in Europe."

    Not just Europe, but here too. Two nights ago, even Bill O'Reilly equated the TP folks with left-wing extremists for their hard stand on the debt ceiling; it won't take long for this horrible crime to be wrapped around the TP's neck like a macabre lei.

  10. We really did not heed that guy.

    The right has a hard enough time when people calling for a responsible budget are equated with people who have killed thousands of people. Sometimes O'Reilly says some intelligent things, but other times he can be a real idiot.

  11. But at least the right would say to deal with this guy, whereas the left would say, "We have to understand his pain," should such a thing be done by someone espousing a liberal cause.

  12. The mood here is we(Finland) are not going to change a thing about security because nut jobs of any stripes, if they want to cause harm they will find a way. We will not compromise our liberty. But Finland we can own guns, well at least rifles, over the age 20. Unusual for an EU nation.

    Saw lots of videos of persons swimming in the water away from the island. Many cuts on faces and arms of folks in Oslo, and lots of white covered bodies in the aerial scenes from the helos.

    But OUR cops carry guns, with bullets. I have heard reports that the cops in Oslo do not even carry firearms of any kind.

    Yes, blonde, blue eyes, and an extreme Fundamentalist "christian"(ahem, use that term with disgust, thus no capitalization). No person of Christ would even dare to think of committing this atrocity.

    I was wrong about the ethnicity of the individual. The problem still persists tho about Islam wrecking havoc wherever it settles, no matter the skin color or eye shape.

  13. No person of Christ would even dare to think of committing this atrocity.

    I agree whole heatedly. But it does disgust me that some lone nut job comes along and does this, and the left places Christianity into the same category as Islam -- even though Islam teaches its followers to do this and its followers have done this for years.

  14. #7 lewy

  15. #7 lewy 14

    Exactly so. A massive advance for the salafists; expect a "tu quoque" chorus of Islamists and Useful Idiots indefinitely. Notwithstanding that there is nothing in Christian scripture to justify this outrage.

    My condolences to the people of Denmark; Toronto (barely) escaped a similar ANFO bombing several years ago. It's frightening how low-tech and easy-to-manufacture these things are.

  16. That said, follow this analysis:

    This psychopath was highly intelligent and the outrage was an organizational stroke of brilliance. Don't underestimate him. I find it highly significant that he permitted himself to be taken alive. It would have been easy to have committed suicide or been shot by the police. Why did he not do so?

    Simple- he is anticipating his show trial. Which will permit him the opportunity that McVeigh never got, the opportunity to voice his "right wing" grievances against the modern, enervated, dissolute (post-modern?) European state. Ie., every European social-democrat's worst nightmare- an intelligent defendant in a highly-publicized public trial attacking every one of their shibboleths.

    Now, I'll put on my tinfoil hat, and predict that he never gets to that trial... There is simply too much riding on it for modern Europe to permit it.

  17. Earl, even if he is highly intelligent and planned this massacre solely to gain the bully pulpit, who will listen to a child killer? No one.

    If he wanted to voice right wing grievances, there are other avenues that don't involve senseless slaughter. Is he crazy, or is there something fishy going on here?

    If he is indeed a right wing "Christian" as the tabloids claim (hey, they're ALL tabloids now) the political/cultural damage he has wrought is incalculable.

  18. I don't think Earl said that he agrees with the guy's rational -- Earl was just pointing out what the guy's rational is.

    A comment on Weasel Zippers pointed out that this guy has not espoused Christianity -- the media is just assuming it because he has blond hair and blue eyes. Has he actually claimed to be a Christian?

  19. I read somewhere that he has a bunch of Christian stuff on his FB page, but who knows how accurate that report is.

    Matt, I was also attempting to dissect the killer's rational with my #17, not picking on Earl most excellent (and chilling) analysis. This really gave me the goosebumps:

    Now, I'll put on my tinfoil hat, and predict that he never gets to that trial... There is simply too much riding on it for modern Europe to permit it.

  20. I agree that the guy in Norway certainly took the wrong way to express his concerns. This would not be the first time in history that this has happened.

    We need to be careful that when a wingnut, whose view seem to be along the same lines as ours, does a despicable deed that we do not look in the mirror and start second-guessing ourselves. Arrest the guy out. Try him. Convict him. Shoot him. Do not bow down to him in the least.

    The left is great for moral-equivilency. When one weirdo on the right does something like this they say that the right is no better than the left even though the left is strangely silent about the thousands of people who do this sort of thing on their side. Any leader on the right who has any following to speak of condemns the events in Norway. Any person on the right who has any conscience condemns them. This person does not represent us. But even before this happened, Bill O'Reilly was comparing the Tea Party and it's anti government-spending stance to the Taliban or some-such.

    I do not support the actions of that guy in Norway. I never will. I will not make excuses for him. But he does not speak for me. We cannot put ourselves into a defensive posture.

  21. We cannot put ourselves into a defensive posture.


    Check out blackfive. This guy is scary - and if his writings are to be believed, he is not alone.

    We're run through the metaphors - 9/11, OK City, Columbine... I think it may be the case that the more accurate analogy is this:

    This guy is a part of the Bader-Meinhoff wing of the nationalist right in Europe.

  22. I have just read the manifesto published at Blackfive. Earl, your analysis is spot on.

    Mr. Steroids meticulously planned the execution of people he saw as collaborators and traitors. There are many more of "them" out there, and they are engaged in an all out hot/cold war against the betrayers of western civilization.

    Will he make it to trial? I hope Earl has room under his tinfoil hat for two, because I doubt it.

  23. @lewy14 22

    "Bader-Meinhoff"? Can't be- they were a bunch of spoiled Trots. Breivik is more akin in his thinking (such as it is) to the Michigan Militia or Posse Comitatus.

  24. As predictable as night following day: AP 24.07.11-

    OSLO — The man blamed for the terrorist attacks on Norway’s government headquarters and an island retreat for young people that left at least 93 dead was motivated by a desire to bring about a revolution in Norwegian society, his lawyer said Sunday.

    Geir Lippestad, Anders Behring Breivik’s lawyer, said his client has asked for an open court hearing “because he wants to explain himself.”

    Breivik has admitted to carrying out the attacks which he described as “gruesome but necessary.”

    And so further, limited state resources throughout Europe will be now be allocated to domestic, non-Islamist domestic counter-terror efforts.

    Europe (that is, Judaeo-Christian-secular, post-Enlightenment Europe) is finished... and Breivik has done his immeasurable part to ensure that this becomes fact.

  25. @Earl - I used Baader Meinhoff because IIRC they had a secret cell based organization. Of course I may not remember correctly because I was just a little kid at the time.

    Now, I'll put on my tinfoil hat, and predict that he never gets to that trial...

    I disagree. I believe ABB will get his trial. There's no reason for the left to kill him because he will do an awesome job of discrediting the right.

    I spent some time flipping through his 1500 page opus last night. Much of his politics are of the sort that are just emerging into the mainstream in Europe (e.g. Gert Wilders, True Finns, etc). He is convincingly anti-Nazi/National Socialist, is really only "culturally" Christian (supports hegemony for the Catholic church but is not religious himself). He is pro Israel. Etc.

    His analysis of cultural warfare arising from postmodern influences and cultural Marxism (e.g. Gramsci) is a meme which I got from Eric S. Raymond (open source software pioneer) and which I myself push at every opportunity. (And will not be dissuaded from.)

    To be sure I didn't read the whole thing and there are likely some abhorrent views (besides the whole "therefore we must start killing people by the millions" thing, of course). But he's not out of step with conservative European blogs and in fact lifts big passages from Fjordman.

    Then, like I said, he gets to the whole "therefore we have to be cruel killers" and it's like he starts channeling Bin Laden, right down to the "proportionality calculations" (multiculturalists have killed X of us so we get to kill X of them, here are the various estimates of X". But he doesn't cite anything in the Western canon as justifying any of that, he just pulls it out of his ass.

    There is a sick logic to his choice of targets. Sick as in Colonel Kurtz / Apocalypse Now sickie sick sick.

    The "dominant Labor party" (this is the ubiquitous description in the press) now has a blood enemy - this is extremely personal. I would not expect any of them to be rational about their opposition, it was their kids and their colleagues kids who were murdered and shot at. The political has become personal for them in the worst way imaginable.

    And ABB will, in his trial polemics, aim their animus at precisely that part of the new right political spectrum which has just now started gaining acceptance.

    "People who sound like Gert Wilders are in fact harboring and inciting the murder of our children" is the takeaway for the Left - not as a mere talking point, but as a visceral and reflexive rage among the political elite.

    The new right parties will be crushed at the polls, partly out of revulsion, partly out of fear of the security apparatus coming down on their organizations. Wilder himself could not possibly have won acquittal had this happened a month ago.

    Further, mainstream politicians may see no need to co-opt rhetoric and policies from the emerging new right; Angela Merkel's statement last fall that multiculturalism was a "complete failure" would be unnecessary and unproductive for her today.

    The "European project" is free now to run the table and close of political debate ramming through whatever they need with the cooperation of the media and the state security apparatus.

    Stick a fork in it. Europe is done.

  26. lewy14 @26

    "People who sound like Gert Wilders are in fact harboring and inciting the murder of our children" is the takeaway for the Left - not as a mere talking point, but as a visceral and reflexive rage among the political elite... Wilder himself could not possibly have won acquittal had this happened a month ago.

    I completely concur. But Breivik stands now to serve as a martyr to the now-besieged European right- with potentially horrific future results.

    As for my thoughts of his failure to see a trial, I posted before I knew of his manifesto. No, you are correct- the left will insist on it, in no small part to advance its statist, pan-Euro goal.

    G-d damn Breviks.

  27. lewy14 @ 28

    Marvelous, just bloody marvelous. Breivik has likely silenced Bawer.

    A fortiori- Europe (that is, Judaeo-Christian-secular, post-Enlightenment Europe) is finished... and Breivik has done his immeasurable part to ensure that this becomes fact.

  28. Holy crap, the psycho at weeny chartreuse nerfballs was publicly labeling Fjordman as the shooter!

    Gates of Vienna.

    I won't link to the pony-tailed drooler's blog, but I did peek in there. He's having a spittle-flying frenzy of a conniption fit...mostly trying to tie Spencer and Geller to ABB.

  29. My mind is oatmeal. In the sense that nothing is clear anymore, as if it ever was, perhaps.

    But everything is insane anymore, quite literally. I don't mean just Norway. I mean the world. I'm losing the ability to keep track. I may have to fade to black, just quit worrying about any of it. I don't like that, giving up. But I'm just tired of it all, really.

  30. Luther, I'm with you, brother.

    *shaking my head in sadness and wandering away*

  31. Well. In other news, it was an amazing Tour De France for the Anglosphere, at least.

    Cadel Evans becomes the first Australian to win the Tour de France. His team, BMC, is an American team.

    Mark Cavendish is the first British winner of the green (sprinter's) jersey, which he won via five stage wins including the last stage on the Champs Elysees. His team, HTC Highroad, is also American.

    Another American team, Gamin Cervelo, won the team prize. Thor Hushov, a Norwegian rider on that team, won two stages and wore the yellow jersey early in the race.

    So not everything is wrong in the world this evening.

  32. So not everything is wrong in the world this evening.

    We have this wonderful group of friends. So there are thing to be thankful for.

  33. Yes, of course there are so many things to be grateful for.

    This week has been awful, I tend to let things get me depressed; that's why I spent much of the day outside, it helps me put things back into perspective.

    You all are a wonderful group of friends, like Matt says. Reading your ideas and thoughts are a part of my day that I look forward to.

  34. Yes, it's been a really tough week for our TCKT family. Sometimes I feel like Luther does...I just want to hibernate. And I have! At least for a few days, just to unscramble my few remaining brain cells and catch a breath of air. Sometimes there is just TOO MUCH to process.

    I'm so grateful for all of you. We can remember friends, dissect the overwhelming amount of news that floods our world, and yet still take the time to close our eyes and sing "Blue Bayou", get wrapped up in one of DWT's marvelous stories, or bask in the sunshine of florrie's garden photographs (a few of the many gems and treasures to be found here). :X

  35. So, Breivik's arraignment was held in camera. Will the leftist Norwegian government attempt to muzzle him, notwithstanding that his manifesto is now widely known? Does Breivik have a constitutional right to an open trial?

    Or will my first post be realized, and Breivik never lives to see that trial...?
