Friday, July 22, 2011

Reports From My Nephew

William (4yo) - "Daddy, I can't laugh properly because it hurts my tummy"...
Daddy (age irrelevant!) - "Why does your tummy hurt, Will?"...
William - "Because I laugh so much".


  1. Adorable. For those of you who remember, William is Swett Baby James younger brother.

  2. Gosh, he's SBJ's younger brother?!? My, how the time flies by. He is a doll, and I love what he said, Fay.

    Thanks for posting this uplifting thread, I think we've all been pretty depressed.

  3. I notice he has the requisite runny nose. Never mind, he's still adorable!!!

  4. florrie, that is an old picture of him, I think he was only two there. And his runny nose is from the ice cream I think, the picture was taken in Barbados so it may have been sweat LOL!

  5. Yes, I hope no one minds that I posted a "fun" thread.

    Life does go on.

  6. First train trip, who me? Excited? Nah.


  7. On the train:


  8. Of course no one minds, Fay! Between solus's passing and the terrible news from Norway, I'm so glad to see a happy thread.

    Your nephew and his wife came up with some dang good-looking kids!!!

  9. We'll have to play yenta some day and fix up handsome SBJ with the darling Emma...


  10. Gosh, I can't believe that William is already four years old! It seems like yesterday that Sweet Baby James was making his grand entrance into the world.

    He's adorable Fay! I'd love to cuddle him up... :X Who knows florrie, maybe someday William and Em will meet and fall in love. :)

    This is a wonderful post; thank you. Yes, life goes on.

  11. I think a happy thread is appropriate, and this is a great subject to break the ice.

    I think Solus would have appreciated out moving on, and we can't let the people responsible for Norway win by making us feel permanently morose.

    When we were in England two years ago, the boys had little scooters that kept needing "mechanical" help. First they kept going to Dad for "something" to be "tightened." I took over when I suggested that the scooters just "needed" "oil." It was all make believe -- and about every twenty seconds. But it was cute and imaginative.

  12. And of course, being English, they kept calling for "Dadday."

  13. Matt, I can just hear them say it that way!!! LOL!!!

    Yes, solus wouldn't want us to be morose.
