Saturday, July 30, 2011

Compromise That's Not a Solution Is a Waste of Time

Marco Rubio with fifteen minutes of sheer brilliance on the floor of the Senate.

Notice John Kerry (D-DidyouknowheservedinVietNam) admitting the Obama was just blowing smoke in 2006. Either what Obama said then was an honest assessment, or he was lying. Either raising the debt limit means the President has not been a good leader or it does not. Being Democrat means never having to say the same thing twice.


  1. I turned this up so Tom could hear it as well.

    Thank goodness for voices like Marco Rubio's. How refreshing is that?

    Thanks, Matt.

  2. another thing you could take from Kerry's remarks is that "Obama is so brave he only stands up for what is right when there is no danger."

    Either way, he is damning the President with faint praise.

  3. I'm sorry. Though fine, not enough, not nearly enough.

    You might ask what would be enough. I'll say I'll know it when I see it.

    I'm insane though. I've spent my whole life avoiding anything that hinted of inclusion.

    Groucho was a wise man.

  4. Luther said...

    I'm sorry. Though fine, not enough, not nearly enough.

    That is my opinion of the debt ceiling "deal" struck by Congress and the White House, providing it actually passes and is signed. The little sissy "O" cannot be trusted to follow through, so I'll wait until he signs to criticize in detail. Until then, it's just news fodder. He's flakier than a box of Wheaties. I trust him not one bit.

    For what it is worth, (that and a couple bucks will get you a fancy coffee drink) I think the "Tea Party" has had a major impact on Congress. They need now to capitalize on that, make their propaganda, and stridently reinforce their gains. They need to recognize gains for what they are and not be arbitrary at this point. The important year is 2012, when if played right, their "cards" could lead to a replacement in the White House and majorities in both houses. THEN they can dictate from strength to their own Party and the opposition, IMO. If they fail to do this they fail per se.

    In short, they need to NOT do a "Gingrich."

    A recent column by Thomas Sowell asked the question of why do we bother with a debt ceiling? I'd agree it does seem to overshadow equally or even more important legislative events with little gain from the machinations. How about a "free market" view ... e.g., let the ratings of US securitization be determined by the market? Just asking.

    US debt does deserve a ratings downgrade at this point ... the recent debate and all that entailed is proof enough for a sane man. The AAA rating is a fraud on fundamentals IMO. We're living on yesterdays creative productivity drawing a mythical line into the future there from. Perhaps market pressure would provide a better "ceiling."

    Again, just asking. For now, almost all news reporting on the issue gives new meaning to the word "babble" to me ... the voices just melt in to incomprehensible noise in my ears.

  5. Again, just asking. For now, almost all news reporting on the issue gives new meaning to the word "babble" to me ... the voices just melt in to incomprehensible noise in my ears.

