Thursday, April 7, 2011

This Too is London

Amateur photographer Alex Saberi has captured some amazing photos of wilds of England - in the middle of London!

(Richmond Park really does seem to be pretty close in!)

HT: Instapundit.


  1. Fantastic photo essay. I've been to Richmond Park many times but never at dawn. It always did feel like you're in the middle of the country. It may be geographically not far from the center of London but in practice it's in the slightly countrified suburbs. It's certainly a beautiful place and I have happy memories of it.

  2. Wow. He's an amateur photographer? I think he needs to ditch his day job and open a studio. These photographs are magnificent!

  3. Fantastic shots, lewy. And whodathunkit, in the middle of London!

  4. I'd love to have the first swan picture and the "winter scene" as prints. What an eye he has, lady red is right, he should be a pro.

  5. I'm glad people liked the photos - when I saw them I truly felt compelled to post the link.

    lady red - I agree, Saberi could / should certainly make some £...

    ...Thinking of his opportunities, I'm reminded of one of my fellow Portlanders, Michael Totten - I remember when he was just basically like me, a blogger with a day job (though he had the guts to write under his real name... and way better)... then he got laid off from his tech writing gig... then he decided to go travel the middle east... he has a book out! (I got my copy in the mail this week.)

    I think it's fair to say he's a professional now.

    'Cause otherwise that's one hell of a hobby he's got going on...

  6. Saberi's photos are beautiful images. They may well show such emotion "cleanly" because he is an amateur ... one who is a good as a professional, but without the $$ issues. My favorite: The "stag at sunset" ... he resisted the temptation to go telephoto and kept the full "image" intact. Splendid...I'd hang it on my wall any day.

  7. Thanks for this link lewy, these are truly outstanding images. One's that I am happy to have seen.
