Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It's Here. Maybe.

Okay ladies and gents, drumroll please! The Royal Birth Certificate.

Frankly, I'm bored to tears with the whole birther thing, but I do wonder why it took Obama this long to release the damn document.  And now that it has been released, two things come to mind:  isn't it supposed to be stamped with an imprint?  My long form BC is.  Also, why is he releasing it now?  Is he trying to divert attention from something else?

Yes, I have a suspicious mind.  Noah says the whole document looks photoshopped, but he's a cranky old fart.  What do you all think?


  1. I think it's hysterically funny that Mr. Comb-Over is taking credit for the certificate being released. You can't pay for entertainment this wacky! The Donald and The One could open their own two-man show. Off-Broadway. Waaayyy off. :D

  2. Looks like an official document to me, Lady Red.

  3. Ditto!


    I'm glad I can laugh. I can't believe this is the issue while our country is going down the tubes. I don't give a hoot if he WAS born in Kenya.

    Mr. Comb-Over needs to stop. It was fun at first and he got even with the White House for ignoring his offer to build a ballrooom for state dinners. Now he needs to get back to Celebrity Apprentice and quit making a fool of himself. Gawd, the man's a worse publicity ho than Lady Gag Gag.

  4. But I just look at the birth certificate and that gets me smiling again.

    I particularly enjoy the doc's signature. Thanks, lady red.

  5. Perhaps it was a red herring put forth by the Dems, but the Constitution does require that the President be born in the U.S. My question would have been what would have happened if Obama had been born in Kenya. Nothing, probably.

    It troubles me that "laws" require certain things. And what if those in power choose not to obey the laws? Washington State, among others, has a law that requires that the state not have a budget deficit. I believe that Washington State has had a budget deficit for several years. Are there any consequences? No.

    If the people who make the laws do not honor they law then why should anybody else? Oh yeah, the people who make the laws can have us thrown in jail.

  6. This just it .... dit dit dadot dadot dit dit..

    The Jug Eared Messiah today produced his actual birth certificate shortly after he was contacted by Big Sis and ICE...


  7. Something that is being overlooked in all this, (Obama's arrogance among other things) in my opinion anyway: The "short form" contains abbreviated information, much like the short form certificate here in Michigan. I have both forms, short and long.

    The short form was/is good enough for a driver's license, or as part of pieces of ID required to drink if you look young enough. The short form was accepted as temporary proof of citizenship when I went to work for DoD ... but I had to order and produce a certified long form within the first year. I did so. However, the long format was required for my passport application, the short form was unacceptable.

    I suspect Obama's passport required the long format from him as well.

    Now...about those short forms and why they're not good enough for most federal certifications ... they are easily counterfeited. Back in my bad old days I could produce one, on real form stock, with raised seal, in about a day. There isn't enough info to cross reference, so it can pass in many instances .... just not for a passport.

  8. Looks legit to me; it looks similar to my husband's - likely a digitized image (from microfiche? scan of original?) printed on the official paper of choice. And I doubt a raised imprint would show up in a pdf (but I'm not an expert, nor do I play one on TV).

    I knew the issue was gaining traction (thank you, Mr. Trump!) when my decidedly non-conspiracy theorist husband began pondering why Obama didn't release it and actually became more adamant than me that it needed to be shown so that there could be no question of constitutional eligibility (and no, I'm not even touching the "natural born" thing).

    Now, I'm just more than a little perturbed that an officer is in jail because Obama wouldn't release it earlier. The more I see of Obama, the more I think he's a small man caught up in things beyond himself; he thought it would be fun to make people twist in the wind, and when Trump really started after him, decided it wasn't so much fun anymore.

    Now... the real issue is the Connecticut SSN. (wicked grin)

  9. The more I see of Obama, the more I think he's a small man caught up in things beyond himself

    I think you've got something there, Lyana...

    I stole that image and passed it on, lady red, just couldn't resist.

  10. I had speculated over a year ago in another venue that item 23 - Evidence for Delayed Filing or Alteration - might be a reason why Obama resisted releasing the long form.

    Nothing there. Of course, that's the easiest alteration to make - complete erasure.

    As I've related previously - my wife was born in Hawaii a few years after Obama. She has a negative (photostat) copy of her birth certificate. There is a whole section of the cert missing from what Obama has released - the part with (most of) the raised seal... part of the seal on my wife's copy overlaps with the field for Item 23. And yes, the seal is quite visible on my wife's copy.

    Obama's cert looks like it was photoshopped - negative made positive, and then placed on a background.

    All of which may be perfectly OK... but... maybe we'll have to check with noted forensic document expert Charles Johnson. I'm sure he's on the case.

    On second thought... ;)

  11. Aridog, when I got my res permit here I had to submit an appostilled copy of my long form BC, i had to have it to renew my passport last time around. Yes when I went for a clearance I had to have the long form too. The DoD wanted to know everything, including the brand of TP I used(No not really but just about everything else)!

  12. As a fiscal conservative and a Canadian (ie., someone with a very real interest in sound American public finances), I cannot help but view the current American political landscape with absolute incredulity and worry. The current account deficit; the national debt; the national deficits; lack of a VAT; subsidies to Big Ag; a defence budget that bears limited relation to America's defence needs; a medical system that creates labour immobility and inefficiencies at higher cost that its OECD competitors.

    And, yet, no coherent plan is advanced by the WH or Congress to address these vitally-important issues. BUT we can all rest snug in our beds that an inheritor-buffoon can now claim to have caused the release of POTUS' birth certificate.

    I gotta say- I'm not looking forward to watching America surviving the real shock of swallowing its medicine. And the infantilization of American public discourse is appalling.
