Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Night Music

Recently I wrote about the current season of American Idol. For the record, I still like it. Negative point? Steven Tyler seems to be the new Paula Abdul. I do not understand how telling everyone that they are the greatest thing since sliced bread would help them. But c’est la vie.

I wondered how the show would go without Simon. It turns out that the show is doing well without Mr. Cowell, thank you. This season we have a dynamite country singer. We have one of the best heavy metal singers you would want to hear – one who even can include Fay and me as fans.

And Jazz. There is a contestant this year who is a great jazz vocalist. If you have ever seen AI before, you have seen contestants bring their guitars and keyboards. This guy brings his string bass.

This week he went way out on a limb and performed “Nature Boy.” Wow. Maybe it takes an old fart and a brilliant young lady to appreciate it.

Casey knows music. He is a musician. Is he perfect? No. But damn he gets into a groove.

Another thing they do this season? Instead of having those insipid group song butchering, er, song and dance performances, they have been pairing off the contestants to sing together at the beginning of the elimination show.

The country guy and the country girl sound like they should already have an album.

But Mr. Jazz? This week he paired with a blond who has not impressed us. She puts a growl in every song whether it needed it or not. We have been waiting for her to go home. Well, this week she teamed with Mr. Jazz.

They bought down the house. I don’t think Ryan Seacrest has ever thrown a performance during the elimination show back to the judges.

I doubt Casey Abrams will win. But he has certainly has opened up the eyes of people to some great music. And perhaps he has given Haley Reinhart her voice as well.


  1. I briefly tuned in and caught "Moanin'". Wow, it blew my socks off! I really, really liked it. I'm a big jazz fan, and it makes my heart soar when I hear young people keeping the music alive and vibrant.

    I'm glad Cowell is gone. He's just mean.

    Thanks for the great post Matt! I love music threads! :)

  2. Nice post, Matt. I think the new judges definitely have chemistry and have found their niche.

    My favorite is the rocker although I think he screeches too much.

  3. "My favorite is the rocker"

    Of course he is, you old rocker chic you ;;)

  4. James does like those high notes. But he hits them well. And they fit in the songs he does. And the non-screeching notes are also well done.

  5. Hey, who you callin' old, you old jazz chick?



  6. "This week he went way out on a limb and performed “Nature Boy.” Wow. Maybe it takes an old fart and a brilliant young lady to appreciate it."

    I just love to see that phrase in use here : P

  7. florrie # 5 Hey, who you callin' old

    No one! I was talking about the music!

