Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Enemy Of My Enemy Is STILL My Enemy!!

What the HELL is going on here? 

A Libyan rebel commander admits that some of his fighters have Al-Queda links but the west is still supporting them?

And how about the lovely fact that these terrorists we are supporting have now raided abandoned Libyan military sites to obtain anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons, probably under the cover of the very same aircraft they will be using them against soon.

Does the west even have a single clue what they are doing?


  1. Does it perhaps turn out that Ghaddafi was the lesser of two evils?

  2. The West? The West is too busy self-destructing to plan a cohesive response to Libya. And yeah, Mr. Prune Face probably IS the lesser of two evils.

  3. Well, and we also have Egypt being essentially turned over to the muslim Brotherhood, under which democracy will consist of one-man, one vote, one time, and the female protesters are already being forced to take virginity tests, even BEFORE the islamists take over.

  4. Within the year the Mid-East will be entirely Islamic save for Israel. Libya et all are pawns on a board. I could go on.

    Someone thinks the time is ripe for all this. They are likely correct. Iran having the bomb, I think, a large part of this plan.

    Hold on to your hat. As we are dealing with a type of evil that we can't even imagine, and so, for the foreseeable future we can only react. It will all depend on when we reach the point that we can be pro-active, or, take the offensive in other words. Wait too late and we are done. Well, perhaps not done, but living here and a few other remote spots in isolation, waiting for the invasion.

    I sincerely believe this is the situation.

    I know I sound like an idiot. But I'm not, really. I'm just very worried that events aren't being taken seriously, by anyone, of any political persuasion.

  5. The day of the secular islamist dictator is done, and we, fools that we are, celebrate their "democratic" overthrow. The way is open for the rise of the Caliphate.

  6. Luther, you do not sound like an idiot, by any means.

  7. Luther, you speak the bare, unvarnished truth. We are accomplices in our own destruction. I believe Lyana is correct; we are witnessing (and enabling!) the rise of the caliphate. Cheering on the "rebels" is lunacy, and is in essence cheering on our own demise and the destruction of Israel.

    We have another year and a half of comrade Obama and his handlers, an administration that defends all things not mainstream, supports all things not capitalist, and throws money at all things not working. If we can't elect a strong conservative in 2012, someone who will CLEAN HOUSE of the stinking infestation of progressives, someone who will roll up his/her sleeves and carry a whoppin' big stick in the Middle East, western civilization is in for a repeat of the dark ages.

    How's that for crazy talk? Oh well. At least I'm in good company here.

  8. Here's a column that fits well with this thread:

    The Art of Inconclusive War.

    Mark Steyn goodness to begin our day...get a big spoon! Steyn calls Ghaddafi a "psychotic transvestite guarded by Austin Powers fembots". LMAO!

  9. Some time ago, I remarked that on 9/11/2001 my neighbors, at that time nearly all Lebanese Muslims, were in tears and expressed a fear that what they had fled had followed them here.

    I think they knew and feared something then that we are learning only now nationally, as expressed by Luther and Lyana above.

    We've become a nation of imbecilic meddlers. Compare Libya and how we're reacting there to Honduras and how we reacted to their constitutional crisis. With nearly a dozen "revolts" underway in the middle east, just WTF made us think we should intervene in Libya?

    Why are we there? Is it Libyan oil Italy (32%), Germany (14%),
    France and China (10%)? Less than 5% for the USA, all of which can be replaced by Nigeria or Azerbaijan light crude? Link

    Notice how fast *mission creep* occurred, however righteous? We went from a no fly zone concept promptly to a *no drive* tanks and APC's action, quite separate from suppression of antiaircraft capability. Notice we still hold that *no drive* attack bag?

    I wouldn't trust our leadership to cross the street without pushing someone under a bus. They fight wars like the persistent drunks at a party that just never leave. They make up rules of engagement that assure soldiers will die and they can claim to be sensitive.

    The stupidity has reached the point where even generals say there is no reason to shoot *civilians* who are *merely* carrying a weapon in a combat zone. They must point said weapon at you before they can be considered *enemy* combatants, albeit no uniform ... everybody is a *civilian* until they shoot at you FIRST.

    Somebody has watched the movie "High Noon" too many times.

  10. Yesterday a customer took her leave from me with the admonition'Pray For Our Country.'

    Please do.

  11. Luther's analysis is fundamentally sound. The Islamists (salafists and Twelvers) likely calculate that with a weak naif in the WH, hopelessly garbled NATO ROE and significant Western/Asian efforts to advance non-oil energy initiatives, now is the time to advance a "Caliphate Project".

    And, as always, view events through Earl's Prism (TM): What is China's position on the matter? Always, always, always note the Middle Kingdom's response to events.

  12. "Lead, follow, or get out of the way." We are approaching that time very soon.

    I believe there is a latent strength in the United States and Canada. It is a bit skewed because the population centers are adrift in liberalism -- but the countries are both fundamentally strong. I am confident that right shall prevail. It may not be easy, but we shall prevail. Perhaps it won't be that hard after all, once the United States gets a government that has not had a testiclectomy. Put someone with the fortitude of Reagan in the White House and people like him in the House and Senate and the rabid ankle-biters will go running. The only real strength they have is what we give them.

  13. RadioMattM:

    I would pay good money to anyone who can introduce a lasting, broadly-used synonym for "liberal" as the term is applied in general usage today.

    I am a liberal. A "Lockean", Enlightenment liberal. A Millsean, Hobbesian, Rouseauian, Benthamite, Lockean liberal. But if I were to announce to a Tea Party rally that "I am a liberal", they'd lynch me forthwith. Notwithstanding that as a fiscal conservative and near-libertarian, I put most of them to shame.

    /weary rant off... ;)

  14. Matt, LMAO and sobbing at the same time... Testiclectomy sums it up rather nicely. It also may be a starting point to win Earl's money. ;)

  15. Well, for some more idiocy, today I was thinking further about Europe. Squeezed between Islamic oil and Russian natural gas and with China buying the remaining assets of Africa, the EU will soon be between a rock and a hard place. Consequently I would expect very little in the manner of the EU being willing or able to support the US in future. It will become nigh politically impossible for them.

    Yes, Matt, I do believe we will prevail in the long run. But it may be a near thing, much nearer than I can to think about anyway.

    You never talk crazy, lady red, that was nicely said and I agree. My only caveat would be that the rot is so systemic it will take years to find the good wood again and I'm not sure we have that much time.

    And thanks, DwT.

  16. I don't recall ever feeling totally ashamed of my county's leaders before. I am today and it's not comfortable.

    Oh, and Earl ... with the exception of a few weird ducks like you, and obviously me, I doubt many Americans have ever read John Locke, or even heard of him. More's the pity.

    Now ... back to my computer wars here. Damnit. x(
