Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Speaking Of Musicians Who Have Passed Recently

 OfI heard last week that one of the most 'avant-garde' musicians I'd ever heard had passed away.

I heard this song on a demo album from Frank Zappa's 'Bizarre' label, and it has stuck with me ever since.

From his 'Trout Mask Replica' album, Captain Beefheart, with 'The Blimp'.


  1. I willingly admit to never 'getting' Captain Beefheart. I did try, honest. But just wasn't cut from the right cloth, I guess.

    Had a tough time with Zappa, too. But 'Hot Rats' is/was a beautiful song.

  2. Hmm...ain't enough drugs in the entire universe ever gonna make that crap sound remotely listenable.

  3. Oh, and sorry to be so ambiguous.

  4. Only thing I know by Captain Beefheart is this early record:

    That would be a fun one to be in a band and do live.

  5. "ain't enough drugs in the entire universe ever gonna make that crap sound remotely listenable."

    Well, umm yeah there were that many drugs, in that time & place. 8-}

  6. Well, umm yeah there were that many drugs, in that time & place.

    IMHO, the weed from that era sucked. It got better and better as time went on - by the early nineties, _nobody_ was smoking that crap brown Mexican weed anymore. It was _all_ sticky icky weed, green and gold...

    I walk down the street now in Portland and some chronics walk past and I get a huge whiff and I'm like, wow, incredible frankincense base notes with overtones of pine...'s like something out of Wine Spectator.

    (Jeez lewy, you don't exactly sound like an _ex_ pothead - ed. Heh, yeah, well, _ex_ I am - I started getting bad panic attacks when I smoked back in the day and haven't smoked in sixteen years - it's completely off the menu - :( - but damn the weed smells fine. These days I sublimate my instinct to acquire prime batches of fragrant plant material by buying and drinking premium loose leaf tea.)

  7. For the record - I have never, ever been so stoned that I lost track of how to button my jacket.


    Just sayin'...

  8. Lewy, Mary Juana was not all, eh?

    I still remember, VIVIDLY (perhaps with more colors than actually exist) microdot Ellis Dee, which somehow was not divided as it should have been.

    Sometimes I wonder if four doses was actually better than one.

    Whoa, are those STILL trails?

  9. I'm with Fay. Yikes!

    I haven't partaken of the wacky weed in more years than I care to count. I never did drop any Ellis Dee; the stuff scares me to death, even then.


    I'll just stick with an occasional enjoyment of Kentucky's finest, thank you. :)

  10. OMG, this thread is hilarious, how did I miss it before?!?

  11. how did I miss it before?!?

    You really should stop huffing gasoline, flo. It messes with you after a while.



    OK, so that was almost over the top wise ass snark - but seriously - I had a conversation resembling this thread with a number of acquaintances a few years ago, and the wife of a good friend allowed as to how she had absolutely no drug stories to tell, she'd been a very straight laced midwestern kid through high school and college - no cigs, no booze, no weed, _definitely_ no coke or acid; she didn't even know anyone who did these things... pause...

    Oh, except huffing gasoline. We all did that.

    Everyone present just fell over with laughter.

    Except, turns out, she wasn't kidding. Strange world, this.

  12. "Oh, except huffing gasoline. We all did that."

    LOL... what a funny story, Lewy.

  13. So, we're telling old drug stories?

    Here's mine:

    So, I'm 19 years old and at a party with AFG (who was then Army Guy). We're talking to his old friends and they start going on about this old "bomb" they used to have that they loved. It was awesome, apparently. Shaped like Buddha. So I hear bomb, but of course they're saying bong.

    Which is something I'd never heard about, so I had no idea what it was. Because apparently I was sheltered from the whole drug thing. Which is all the more surprising when you realize where I was raised.

    AFG had to explain it to me on the way home, and he laughed the entire time.

  14. Hey, although I never partook of "homemade" items like Ellis Dee or Crystal ... I did do weed and "upper" pharmaceuticals appropriately boosted from local pharmacy. Fortunately coke never interested me ... tried it, found it too short lived and not much fun. A six pack got you further. Now some coke laced into good weed ... uh, never mind.

    Never thought of huffing gasoline, but guess I did so in a manner of speaking. When I first began in skilled trades, the best solvent, bar none (no residue) for high precision steel ball bearings and raceways was gasoline. You'd soak/dip the bearing in the gasoline and then blow it out with compressed air, or more frequently, pure oxygen, since the torch sets were always closer at hand. Some times you blew it out right in the gasoline if very cruddy. In that process you inhaled copious gasoline fumes and, yes, we did feel a buzz. Of course, we always had the de rigueur tub of "approved" solvent near-by (useless gloppy stuff best for carburetors ... worthless on items requiring 1:10,000 precision), but kept the gasoline handy in meat loaf tins.

    Then again, we still used pure cyanide crystal/powder back then ... for case hardening hot steel when and where necessary. Those fumes weren't much good for anything and you avoided them. One guy in our shop died from somehow getting some of the powder in his sandwich.

    Don't know how we survived to this day.
