Monday, January 10, 2011

The Federal Charges

Federal charges have now been laid against Loughner. State charges to follow.

A woman, Patricia Maisch, and two men, Roger Salzgeber and Bill D. Badger, are reported as being heroes in stopping an even worse slaughter. Thank G-d to, and for, them.


  1. I'll make my first comment on a fresh thread, so as not to pollute the good thoughts posted on the others.

    This media and poli-blog hoopla over the Tucson shooting at first saddened me, but now disgusts me in its shortsightedness and denial of our real problems. It's actually pissing me off. Not because I'm heartless, but because it is narrow sighted. It is our "NIMBY think" run amok, with all focus on all the wrong points and issues. Almost totally from day one.

    Try this: since the Tucson affair, roughly 100 more people have been murdered here, likely a majority of them "innocents." There are 30 to 45 homicides per day in the United States USA, depending on how you do the math. That is more than our losses in Iraq and Afghanistan combined over a decade.

    In most major cities annual homicides push from 250 to 500 per year. Gunfire is such a daily occurrence here I hardly notice it, unless it "pops" indicating it is coming in my direction.

    As for the focus of the rabid attention? Of course, it's right wing rhetoric, guns, conservatives, etc.,etc., then to deep thoughts on motivation .... fuck that, he was and is a psychotic schizophrenic who went full break on some unlucky people in Arizona.

    I find it amusing, in a sick way, that at least two of the three people who grabbed the shooter, disarmed him, and held him in down were of my gray haired old coot demographic ...e.g., the Tea Bagger demographic oft cited as old codger loons (who in this case were lined up to meet and greet a Democratic Congresswoman, go figure .... we're loony ya' know!), regardless of real thought of those in the designated demographic on several blogs and in some main stream media. FEAR THE OLD COOTS!!

    I also was riveted to a television interview with the Congressional Aide (Menendez, IIRC ?) that ran toward the gunfire and rendered aid to Gifford and others who were shot....then holding Giffords until ENS arrived attempting to stop her bleeding and holding her hand. They kept asking him why he ran toward the carnage? Well, as one reporter said, it might be born in you ... but the Aide just didn't seem to understand the question...e.g., where else, in his mind, would you run but to the people you came with? A refreshing young man and one of the few tidbits of all the coverage I've seen that I understood.

    Here's another reason you run toward the gunfire, if it's "your thing," beyond instinctive aggression or altruism: If you hear shots, the easiest shot in all of shooting is that toward a target going straight away ... don't be a target, generally it is quicker to close with the enemy than flee it. Sports analogy: it's like a goalie moving out of the net toward an incoming forward or center cut off the angles.

    We had a couple friends over for drinks Saturday night and the shooting was the topic of conversation. When I remarked I was disappointed that the initial captors hadn't killed the shooter, bare handed, the others, including Judi I think, didn't understand my sentiment. They probably didn't know how or were actually nice, good, people.

    It's partially cold hardheartedness ... I really don't care why the nut started shooting in gross detail...I know why he did, he's irredeemably psychotic. And partially selfish ... now I gotta listen to the drivel for the next year or so as pundits analyze it all in spurious detail ...while the next 16,000+ folks are murdered in near anonymity in the USA. The puke would be BOD. Damn, they could of at least broken some fingers, gouged out an eye, broken a leg...something.


  2. I'll make my first comment on a fresh thread, so as not to pollute the good thoughts posted on the others.

    This media and poli-blog hoopla over the Tucson shooting at first saddened me, but now disgusts me in its shortsightedness and denial of our real problems. It's actually pissing me off. Not because I'm heartless, but because it is narrow sighted. It is our "NIMBY think" run amok, with all focus on all the wrong points and issues. Almost totally from day one.

    Try this: since the Tucson affair, roughly 100 more people have been murdered here, likely a majority of them "innocents." There are 30 to 45 homicides per day in the United States USA, depending on how you do the math. That is more than our losses in Iraq and Afghanistan combined over a decade.

    In most major cities annual homicides push from 250 to 500 per year. Gunfire is such a daily occurrence here I hardly notice it, unless it "pops" indicating it is coming in my direction.

    As for the focus of the rabid attention? Of course, it's right wing rhetoric, guns, conservatives, etc.,etc., then to deep thoughts on motivation .... fuck that, he was and is a psychotic schizophrenic who went full break on some unlucky people in Arizona.

    I find it amusing, in a sick way, that at least two of the three people who grabbed the shooter, disarmed him, and held him in down were of my gray haired old coot demographic ...e.g., the Tea Party demographic oft cited as white old codger loons, regardless of the real thoughts of those in the designated demographic, on several blogs and in some main stream media. FEAR THE OLD COOTS!!

    I also was riveted to a television interview with the Congressional Aide (Menendez, IIRC ?) that ran toward the gunfire and rendered aid to Gifford and others who were shot....then holding Giffords until EMS arrived attempting to stop her bleeding and holding her hand. Them kept asking him why he ran toward the carnage? Well, as one reporter said, it might be born in you ... but the Aide just didn't seem to understand the question...e.g., where else, in his mind, would you run but to the people you came with? A refreshing young man and one of the few tidbits of all the coverage I've seen that I understood.

    Here's another reason you run toward the gunfire, if it's "your thing," beyond instinctive aggression or altruism: If you hear shots, the easiest shot in all of shooting is that toward a target going straight away ... don't be an easy target, generally it is quicker to close with the enemy than flee it.

    We had a couple friends over for drinks Saturday night and the shooting was the topic of conversation. When I remarked I was saddened that the initial captors hadn't killed the shooter the others, including Judi I think, didn't understand my sentiment.

    It's partially cold hardheartedness ... I really don't care why the nut started shooting in gross detail...I know why he did, he's irredeemably psychotic. And partially selfish ... now I gotta listen to the drivel for the next year or so as pundits analyze it all in spurious detail ...while the next 16,000+ folks are murdered in the USA.

    All that said, my heart goes out to the victims ' families and to Giffords' family. I have a little experience with traumatic brain injury (albeit without the intervention of a bullet). The next month or so will be heart shaking as the doctors and ICU staff conduct a life and death battle. Worst time of my life... I couldn't shoot back or even hit back, a situational eunuch.

  3. I'll make my first comment on a fresh thread, so as not to pollute the good thoughts posted on the others.

    This media and poli-blog hoopla over the Tucson shooting at first saddened me, but now disgusts me in its shortsightedness and denial of our real problems. It's actually pissing me off. Not because I'm heartless, but because it is narrow sighted. It is our "NIMBY think" run amok, with all focus on all the wrong points and issues. Almost totally from day one.

    Try this: since the Tucson affair, roughly 100 more people have been murdered here, likely a majority of them "innocents." There are 30 to 45 homicides per day in the United States USA, depending on how you do the math. That is more than our losses in Iraq and Afghanistan combined over a decade.

    In most major cities annual homicides push from 250 to 500 per year. Gunfire is such a daily occurrence here I hardly notice it, unless it "pops" indicating it is coming in my direction.

    As for the focus of the rabid attention? Of course, it's right wing rhetoric, guns, conservatives, etc.,etc., then to deep thoughts on motivation .... fuck that, he was and is a psychotic schizophrenic who went full break on some unlucky people in Arizona.

    I find it amusing, in a sick way, that at least two of the three people who grabbed the shooter, disarmed him, and held him in down were of my gray haired old coot demographic ...e.g., the Tea Party demographic oft cited as white old codger loons, regardless of the real thoughts of those in the designated demographic, on several blogs and in some main stream media. FEAR THE OLD COOTS!!

    I also was riveted to a television interview with the Congressional Aide (Menendez, IIRC ?) that ran toward the gunfire and rendered aid to Gifford and others who were shot....then holding Giffords until EMS arrived attempting to stop her bleeding and holding her hand. Them kept asking him why he ran toward the carnage? Well, as one reporter said, it might be born in you ... but the Aide just didn't seem to understand the question...e.g., where else, in his mind, would you run but to the people you came with? A refreshing young man and one of the few tidbits of all the coverage I've seen that I understood.

    Here's another reason you run toward the gunfire, if it's "your thing," beyond instinctive aggression or altruism: If you hear shots, the easiest shot in all of shooting is that toward a target going straight away ... don't be an easy target, generally it is quicker to close with the enemy than flee it.

    We had a couple friends over for drinks Saturday night and the shooting was the topic of conversation. When I remarked I was saddened that the initial captors hadn't killed the shooter the others, including Judi I think, didn't understand my sentiment.

    It's partially cold hardheartedness ... I really don't care why the nut started shooting in gross detail...I know why he did, he's irredeemably psychotic. And partially selfish ... now I gotta listen to the drivel for the next year or so as pundits analyze it all in spurious detail ...while the next 16,000+ folks are murdered in the USA.

    All that said, my heart goes out to the victims ' families and to Giffords' family. I have a little experience with traumatic brain injury (albeit without the intervention of a bullet). The next month or so will be heart shaking as the doctors and ICU staff conduct a life and death battle. Worst time of my life... I couldn't shoot back or even hit back, a situational eunuch.

  4. WTF? My comment shows in the side bar, and has been posted here for the past hour, but now is "gone?" Even though still showing in the side bar?

  5. Oh, and now it even disappeared from the side bar as I posted this. WTF ... editing by "Blogger" or just the usual crap?

  6. I was about to email you, aridog. Your comments showed up in my inbox, but not on blogger. Weird.

    It makes me crazy when blogger munches comments. ~x(

  7. Did you save a copy of your post? If not, I can copy/paste from my gmail.

  8. I had a ".txt" copy, but deleted it when I saw the post go up...and stay up for an hour.

    If you can, feel free to re-post it.

  9. Aridog, frickin' blogger won't let me post it in one part, or even two parts. Let's try for three!

    Aridog's munched comment, part one:

    I'll make my first comment on a fresh thread, so as not to pollute the good thoughts posted on the others.

    This media and poli-blog hoopla over the Tucson shooting at first saddened me, but now disgusts me in its shortsightedness and denial of our real problems. It's actually pissing me off. Not because I'm heartless, but because it is narrow sighted. It is our "NIMBY think" run amok, with all focus on all the wrong points and issues. Almost totally from day one.

    Try this: since the Tucson affair, roughly 100 more people have been murdered here, likely a majority of them "innocents." There are 30 to 45 homicides per day in the United States USA, depending on how you do the math. That is more than our losses in Iraq and Afghanistan combined over a decade.

    In most major cities annual homicides push from 250 to 500 per year. Gunfire is such a daily occurrence here I hardly notice it, unless it "pops" indicating it is coming in my direction.

  10. Aridog's munched comment, part two:

    As for the focus of the rabid attention? Of course, it's right wing rhetoric, guns, conservatives, etc.,etc., then to deep thoughts on motivation .... fuck that, he was and is a psychotic schizophrenic who went full break on some unlucky people in Arizona.

    I find it amusing, in a sick way, that at least two of the three people who grabbed the shooter, disarmed him, and held him in down were of my gray haired old coot demographic ...e.g., the Tea Party demographic oft cited as white old codger loons, regardless of the real thoughts of those in the designated demographic, on several blogs and in some main stream media. FEAR THE OLD COOTS!!

    I also was riveted to a television interview with the Congressional Aide (Menendez, IIRC ?) that ran toward the gunfire and rendered aid to Gifford and others who were shot....then holding Giffords until EMS arrived attempting to stop her bleeding and holding her hand. Them kept asking him why he ran toward the carnage? Well, as one reporter said, it might be born in you ... but the Aide just didn't seem to understand the question...e.g., where else, in his mind, would you run but to the people you came with? A refreshing young man and one of the few tidbits of all the coverage I've seen that I understood.

    Here's another reason you run toward the gunfire, if it's "your thing," beyond instinctive aggression or altruism: If you hear shots, the easiest shot in all of shooting is that toward a target going straight away ... don't be an easy target, generally it is quicker to close with the enemy than flee it.

  11. Aridog's munched comment, part three:

    We had a couple friends over for drinks Saturday night and the shooting was the topic of conversation. When I remarked I was saddened that the initial captors hadn't killed the shooter the others, including Judi I think, didn't understand my sentiment.

    It's partially cold hardheartedness ... I really don't care why the nut started shooting in gross detail...I know why he did, he's irredeemably psychotic. And partially selfish ... now I gotta listen to the drivel for the next year or so as pundits analyze it all in spurious detail ...while the next 16,000+ folks are murdered in the USA.

    All that said, my heart goes out to the victims ' families and to Giffords' family. I have a little experience with traumatic brain injury (albeit without the intervention of a bullet). The next month or so will be heart shaking as the doctors and ICU staff conduct a life and death battle. Worst time of my life... I couldn't shoot back or even hit back, a situational eunuch.

  12. Well, FFS. NOW it decides to publish long comments. Grrr...

    I'll delete the longer versions, and leave up the three-part version.

  13. I too am utterly sickened by the "news" coverage. It's beyond pathetic on ALL networks. Many of the newspapers I've glanced at are no better. Let's face it; journalism is DEAD and cold.

    I did smile grimly at this story from The Daily Mail. Got to watch out for the old geezers!

  14. The news coverage on this is making me want to puke nails.

    From EVERYWHERE. The focus is on this guy's politics... What politics? He was a loon! Why can't we just call a crazy a crazy?

    Instead of responding with compassion to those who were victims, people are taking the political bull by the horns. This isn't a tragedy to them, it's a political opportunity.

    I want to barf.

  15. Maybe time to consider a new server?

    This media and poli-blog hoopla over the Tucson shooting at first saddened me, but now disgusts me in its shortsightedness and denial of our real problems. It's actually pissing me off. Not because I'm heartless, but because it is narrow sighted. It is our "NIMBY think" run amok, with all focus on all the wrong points and issues. Almost totally from day one.

    I feel the same way.

    I find it amusing, in a sick way, that at least two of the three people who grabbed the shooter, disarmed him, and held him in down were of my gray haired old coot demographic ...e.g., the Tea Party demographic oft cited as white old codger loons, regardless of the real thoughts of those in the designated demographic, on several blogs and in some main stream media. FEAR THE OLD COOTS!!

    Damn right! Speaking as an old coot, I'm sick of this stuff and refuse to live in fear. We WILL protect ourselves.

    now I gotta listen to the drivel for the next year or so as pundits analyze it all in spurious detail ...while the next 16,000+ folks are murdered in the USA.

    Yup. FNC showed their correspondent going in a neighbor's back yard, climbing up a ladder to peek into the murderer's back yard to get a glimpse of the "shrine" that the media is all drooling over. Next up is Joey Buttafuco's wife discussing her recovery from her head wound.

    I kid you not.

  16. Instead of responding with compassion to those who were victims, people are taking the political bull by the horns. This isn't a tragedy to them, it's a political opportunity.

    That's the most sick part of all, IMO.

  17. AFW said: Instead of responding with compassion to those who were victims, people are taking the political bull by the horns. This isn't a tragedy to them, it's a political opportunity.

    B-ingo! Never waste a crisis or tragedy.

    However, I will agree with one thing .... Caribou Barbie needs to shut up, I mean STFU, with the guns and ammo metaphors & symbols to voting, elections and so on. She's "drawing fire" on others who don't deserve it. Even her most ardent fan here (Judi) agrees with me on this now. Watching the news together is a bit less painful now.

    Anyone who watched her even just the hunting episode of her television "reality" show knows she's a consummate fraud regarding guns and hunting (carries rifle she didn't use upside down, has daddy rack the bolt for her on 5 misses, no video connection of her actually shooting even "at" anything). Her "reload" metaphor is specious...she doesn't even know how to reload.

  18. Damnit! ... your correction here....

    Anyone who watched even just her hunting ....

    Okay, back to dressing out the dead possums for dinner.

  19. Ari - I have nowhere near your vitriol for Sarah Palin. My initial excitement with her toned down to "Ehrrrr," then turned to "Meh", and then dismay. I don't hate her.

    I do agree with your analysis that she needs to tone down the gun/target rhetoric she uses - it passed folksy and made a right turn onto ridiculous about fifteen miles ago.

    Freedom of speech is for regular folks. When you get into politics, you lose that right. It's just the way it is.

    I'm sick to death of Palin being used as a punching bag for blame, though. It's as if the nasty and disgusting things people have said, pictured, and fantasized about in regards to her family never existed. It's disgusting. At this point, anyone who blames Palin and then refuses to acknowledge the level of vitriol aimed at her and her family as something which has reached dangerous levels itself has lost all credibility - with me, and they may not care. Which is fine. Free country and all that.

    But it disgusts me, all the same.

    However, nasty speech a right. The truth is that people are allowed to say things, even things which we find distasteful. My husband and MIL came here as refugees under threat of gulag from the Soviet Union for my MIL's political activities. She was accused of saying things against the state.

    It's a fine line - and we're coming close to walking it. We will never be 100% safe in life, and while that doesn't mean we should let life be a danger free-for-all, it does mean that we need to VERY CAREFULLY weigh our reactions to tragedies. And I just don't see our society doing that. At all.

    Or weighing reactions to ANYTHING for that matter. Hysterical reactions reign.

  20. I do agree with your analysis that she needs to tone down the gun/target rhetoric she uses - it passed folksy and made a right turn onto ridiculous about fifteen miles ago.


  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I agree with what you're saying, afw. Like all of us, I was enthralled by her in the summer of 2008. I don't hate her either; in fact, she has gained sympathy from me due to the mind-numbing attacks on her and her family. Would I vote for her? No. But I felt the same about Hillary during the run for the Democratic nomination when many of her long-time allies, friends and other supporters (not to mention the media) turned on her in often ugly ways. Those so enamored of electing the first black president seemed to forget that it would have been equally historic to elect a woman. Whatever.

    I feel disillusioned by our politicians but I do see people on the horizon that look very promising; Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, Allen West, Kelly Ayotte, Paul Ryan, to name a few...

  23. Okay guys, I do NOT "hate" Sarah Palin or any of her family. They are collectively a one trick pony road show. Otherwise, almost everything she says or does is faked and fraudulent. Just watch the "reality" show if you doubt me.

    What I hate was and is her attitude toward wildlife and husbandry of it as if humans are the sole creatures with a right to predation for food. Originally I thought, being Alaskan and all that, she knew something about wilderness. Over time I learned she really knew and knows nothing about it what-so-ever.

    As for "attacks" against her and her family? No one advocates more to promote the "attacks" than Palin herself. She can't stop talking about it, literally. Her reality show is chock full of it. Some one needs to tell her that when you think some one is out to get you, they just may be ... especially if you invite them at every turn of phrase.

    No, I don't hate her, she's pitiable, a dufus with cunning and slick looks. Worst danger is if she actually acquired another office of responsibility .... and didn't quit it.

  24. I'm a big fan of Red Eye and Andy Levy made a great point during halftime.

    "From Monday's NYT editorial...'It is facile and mistaken to attribute this particular madman's act directly to Republicans or Tea Party members but it is legitimate to hold Republicans and particularly their most virulent supporters in the media responsible for setting the nation on edge.' I'm going to do a little word substitution here, Gregg. 'It is facile and mistaken to attribute this particular madman's act directly to Muslims but it is legitimate to hold Muslims and particularly their most virulent supporters in the media responsible for setting the nation on edge.' Do you think the NYT would ever write that, Gregg?"
