Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The progressive “climate of hate:” An illustrated primer, 2000-2010

From Michelle Malkin


  1. Nice.

    I for one refuse to even discuss the whole "climate of hate" issue with people who would demonize Tea Party types.

    If you want my metaphors - come take them.

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

    Glenn Reynolds started using the term "blood libel" to describe what the left MSM commentariat is doing. I see Sarah has picked it up too. I concur.

  2. But that's just *metaphorical* violence! It doesn't count!

    // no shit someone said that to me today. Followed by, "People on the left don't actually commit violent acts."

    When I mentioned the Discovery Channel guy, the answer was "That's different."

    And Weather Underground "was a long time ago."

    At that point I decided there was nothing I could say.

  3. Good Lord, afw. Hard to believe someone could be so idealogical to not get that every "group" on earth commits acts of violence.

    *shaking head and wandering off*

  4. SRSLY. There's some people involved in my pet causes that embarrass the crap out of me by association. There are whackos everywhere, and people I wish would just shut up on my side and *not* on my side (which is as specific as I can get, because I volunteer for and contribute to causes on both sides of the spectrum).

    But to try and say that incitement is one sided is ignorant and knee jerk.

    I was talking to one lady a few months ago about my children and homeschooling and her reaction to me was, "But you don't seem like one of those Kooky Christians!"

    How the shit am I supposed to take that? Our household is devoutly Catholic - we attend church every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation. My second daughter is being confirmed this year. The church is definitely a big part of our life. And yes, we pray to Jesus before meals.

    It was as though this woman's only idea of Christians was the one dimensional portrayal shown on sitcoms. Because it's easy to demonize and hold as less than human someone with no depth. The Left is no less guilty of this than the Right. And yet, they draw their own halos bigger than the Holy Father's mitre.

    I'm sick of it.

  5. Christians are kooky. Evil Jews control the media. Tea partiers are racists. Conservatives are violent hate-mongers. Moderate democrats are traitors. Capitalists are selfish money-grubbers. Keep it up, progressives! You're doing a great job isolating yourselves from the good and decent folks of America.

    Thanks for posting this, florrie. It's really disgusting how the progressives throw their poo everywhere, then claim the high road.

  6. Palin's use of the term "blood libel" is one of the few things I agree with her on.

    The supposition that one's political speech, very similar to that of the opposition, in fact, is the cause of murders is, in fact, a "blood libel."

    That said, she ought to know there is no need for smarmy guns and ammo analogies either. You play in to the opposition's hand when you do so. The idea is to win, not just posture ... as done in Connecticut, Alaska and Nevada. I suspect the RINO's "get it" now and you don't need whack jobs like Brown or Angle or O'Donnell to change things.
