Friday, December 24, 2010

The Very Best Modern Christmas Carol

There are dozens of versions out there, but this one, sung by a ten year old girl, has a passion that is missing from all the others, no matter how professional they may be.


  1. Sheesh Dances, I thought I was losing my mind. I listened to the Clay Aiken version you posted and was just about to make a comment when the page disapeared. I thought I had somehow deleted your post by mistake, yikes.

    Anyway, this is a beautiful song. Thank you so much for posting it. Now I must go make mince pies :)

  2. I know what you mean about the passion. Kathy Mattea's version has plenty of soul in in it. Hers was the first version of the song I heard.

    This girl also puts that soul into it. That is the important part of Christmas music -- and why I usually ignore stations that play nothing but Christmas music for a month. There aren't that many good Christmas recordings out there.

  3. Fay, I just added some sugar and flour (for body) to the mincemeat that has been soaking in rum in the fridge here since august.

    It is sitting out on the counter, in the hopes that some of the sugar will convert to alcohol overnight.

    I make the pies tomorrow morning, and will Not allow the kids to eat any.

    I originally posted the Clay Aiken version because of the lyrics, but the more I listened the less I liked it, so I found this one and switched it out.
