Monday, December 20, 2010

Fairytale of New York

I confess I find myself somewhat... challenged... by "Christmas music". What others find a comforting blanket of sweetness often envelopes me in a smothering, saccharine miasma.

But I happened upon a selection which I liked and which might appeal to some others as well. (There is a tradition of more melancholy Christmas music, after all!)

So here are the Pogues, with Kirsty McColl, from 1987:

The poignant and poetic lyrics are not always intelligible (for us 'merican speakers, anyway), so here's a link.

It's funny - I'd searched around the web this evening for a suitable Christmas song, and although the thought of posting a satirical lounge lizard cover of a Dead Kennedys song had a certain appeal, it was arguably a gratuitous buzzkill, and not exactly Kitchen Table material (Conservative or Otherwise). So I desisted, and gave up on the idea of posting a Christmas song...

...but still I kept poking around Google and YouTube, now just looking for random music at the very edge of recollection. And so I typed in a fragment of half remembered lyric to a song once my favorite, and rediscovered Kirsty McColl.

I discovered too that among her best work was Fairytale of New York... OMG, a Christmas song! Awesome! So I had my post after all.

But I guess if you search for melancholy, you should be prepared to find it...

Kirsty McColl was killed in a boating accident exactly ten years and two days ago. A reckless Mexican millionaire was almost certainly at the wheel of the boat that struck her. She was killed in the act of saving her son. The Mexican millionaire escaped all consequence.

And the boys of the NYPD choir's still singing Galway Bay
And the bells are ringing out
For Christmas day.


  1. Well, it's certainly different to the rest of the Christmas music on the Table :)

    I'm not a fan, at all, I was too old to ever get into punk. Although Kirsty MacColl has a pleasant enough voice. Very tragic way for her life to end, I wonder how her boys are doing now.

    Thanks for the story and the video Lewy.

  2. What a sad story! I like this song although the Pogues aren't one of my favorites.

    *Paging Jefe, Paging Jefe!*

    It's nice to have a mixture. My favorite Christmas music is The Messiah; also several Latin hymns from the old St. Gregory Songbook.
