Saturday, December 11, 2010

Duck & Cover

According to The Hudson Institute, the German magazine Die Welt is reporting that Hugo Chavez and Ahmadinejad have an agreement to allow the basing of Iranian intermediate range ballistic missiles, each capable of carrying a peaceful nuclear electric generating plant, in Venezuela.

The plot twists even further toward a third, and final, World War.

Thanks to Hot Air.


  1. There doesn't seem to be any good news, does there? Hugo and Ahmad Dinner Jacket are a pair of crazies, and I'm not confident that the Obama/Hillary show are up to the task. A show of strength may be in order; massive navy exercises off the coast of Venzuela might give Hugo a "come to Jesus" moment. If not Hugo, perhaps his military command will see the writing on the wall, and stage a coup.

    Sorry for the light blogging. My computer has gone from "acting hinky" to crash-a-bunga. I dug out my little Asus EEE, and hooked up a remote keyboard and mouse, so I'm sorta back in action.

    *squint squint*

  2. It's snowing this morning, and teh wind! She blows! DWT, it looks like you're about to get clobbered.

  3. Would you believe it's snowing here too?!
    Well, not quite in my own town but up in the Golan and Galilee. Here we've had huge high winds and rain combined with a sandstorm which made it rain mud. Our street is littered with leaves and branches.

    And we're loving it! We need the rain so badly. Everyone is walking around with a silly smile on their face. :)

    Here's Hebrew link with good pictures from around the country, and especially from Tel Aviv port. The waves were reaching 10 metres (50 feet) and the reporter says "3 days ago it was boiling hot, and now the waves reach to the sky". He's right. It is a crazy country. Certainly never boring.

  4. Oops, can't do math.:p 10 metres is "only" 30 foot high waves. And the sky is now pitch black and it's thundering... :-o

  5. Hi Annie! The pictures look like it was one heckuva a storm! I'm glad you all finally got some rain; I know you needed it.

  6. Hi Lady Red, yes it's been one huge storm. We do get these every year, and it's always a surprise. :)

    In that Hebrew link I posted above, I forgot to mention that where I quote a reporter, that's in a video of the storm from around the country: mainly in Tel Aviv but also in the north with the snow.

    Of course you'd all laugh at us shivering in 10°C weather (that's about 50°F) but to us it's freezing! Last week it was 30°C. It's a huge drop in such a short time. I couldn't remember where I'd put my winter clothes and closed shoes. I had to completely turn out my closet to find them. ;))

  7. Lady Red - we were supposed to get a big storm last night, complete with snow, sleet & freezing rain (the dread, and infamous, 'wintry mix').

    But until now, all we are having is rain, and temps near 40 Farenheit (that's 4.5C for the Israeli & Canadian contingent).

    But coming to work over the mountain today, I essentially drove through fog that makes pea soup seem like dishwater.

  8. Have you all seen the footagae of the Metrodome roof collapsing? It's horrible, thank heavens no one was in it.

    We're having flooding but the rains should stop by Wednesday. Nothing like Dances section of the country though. Hope you all in the midstates are safe.

    I'm glad you finally got some rain, annie. Those windstorms look bad and everything is so dark! (couldn't get the vid to work, however)

  9. 30' waves are bad enough!

  10. Well, Noah has my laptop sorta functional again. My files are scattered everywhere though, and I can't find anything. Sigh.

    It's not working very well, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

  11. OMG! I just saw a video of the Metrodome roof collapse. That is just terrifying. What a miracle that no one was in the stadium at the time.

  12. Considering that the stadium is in Minnesota, you would think they would design the roof cover to withstand more than 17" of wet snow. :-/

    I'm glad that no one was hurt. Scary stuff!

  13. Oh annie - I'm so happy to hear that you're finally getting rain!

    As for these two crazies joining forces... Lovely. I just hope Stuxnet keeps doing its thing - and that its creators are working on the next thing.

  14. Very happy to hear that annie has rain and snow! Sorry about the rest o' y'all... ;)

    We're getting a ton of rain here in Portland which is usual, but much more actual water falling, which is not usual.

    lady red, I read that the Metrodome roof would not have hurt anyone inside, and that it has failed 4 times since it was put up, but not since '83.

    (Hmm... A few thousand years of Metrodome roof failure data would be a nice climate change indicator, come to think of it.. HAH, see, no Metrodome roof failures during the Medieval Warm Period - told ya that 'hockey stick curve' was wrong!)
