Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Christmas to Remember

I always enjoy Christmas. Many times, however, the joy is fleeting and there is little to set it aside from other Christmases. This year I feel is different.

The presence of the beautiful Christmas music on the blog set the table for what would become a feast of joy. The stories of Christmases past, the stories of Christmas present. The decision on many our part to say "Merry Christmas" instead of the "Happy Holidays." Perhaps we are taking the season back.

I spent the Christmas season with you all virtually, and for that I thank you. I spent the Christmas season in reality with Fay -- which is a gift unto itself. I talked with my son on the phone yesterday, another gift.

The season was topped off by not a Christmas present, but rather a belated birthday present. Fay gave me a turntable with a USB connection. I have not hooked it up to a computer yet, but I dug out Fay's old receiver and speakers. I went down to the garage and dug out some of my parent's old Christmas albums -- particularly two by the Robert Shaw Chorale.

I grew up with those Robert Shaw Christmas albums. I think that label is a beautiful piece of art. And those voices evoke the Christmas spirit in me. One song, "Mary had a Baby," was so wonderful to hear. It has probably been a good thirty five years since I last heard it. To hear this music again opened my heart to the joy of Christmas.

To quote a childhood hero of mine, Tubby the Tuba, "Oh, how happy I am."


  1. Matt, I'm delighted that you enjoyed your Christmas. The turntable sounds like oodles of fun!

    I must say that it was very nice to relax with all of you this past week, and to listen to the wonderful music that Fay, DWT, florrie, Pamela, lewy, and you shared. I think we all needed a break.

    Here in the Ozarks, we had a wonderful Christmas, the best I can remember. My family scaled WAY back on gifts, yet we had so much fun! We laughed and hugged and feasted, and then we feasted and hugged and laughed some more! I too am very happy.

  2. Feasted. Did you say feasted?

    I will have to get a house moving permit next time I drive anyplace because I feasted so much. Fay prepared a delicious prime rib. It had to one of, if not THE, most delicious meals I have every had. And her christmas pudding?

    Fay spolis me. She really does.

  3. Aw, thank you Matt, that is so sweet.

    Lady red, sounds like you had a lovely Chritmas and I am happy to hear that.

    We just got back from a Boxing Day visit with my girlfriend and her family. They had someone there that I had never met before who played guitar and sang. That was pretty neat.

    Amongst others, he sang this song, I never heard it before but I loved it immediately LOL!

  4. Merry Christmas, Matt & Fay, what a lovely post. I believe my mom & dad had some Robt. Shaw lps as well, the name sounds vaguely familiar. Tom has an excellent turntable but, unfortunately, it is too deep to fit in our "entertainment" console. We have many, many lps and I will have to ask mom about the ones she has left. I'm sure she would be happy to give them a home with us as dad's turntable is long gone. He had some great Tony Bennett, Sinatra, Cleo Laine, Steve & Edie, Kingston Trio...

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
