Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Music requests

Michael Holm - When A Child Is Born

For my darling hubby Matt. Sorry, there is no video link for this version.


  1. This was a minor US Christmas hit in the US in about 1971. For some reason it is rarer then hen's teeth. In the 1970's, Casey Kasem had an "American Top 40" Christmas special. There were two songs of the 40 that Casey did not play. One was "I Yust go Nuts at Christmas" by Yorgy Yorgenson. Casey thought it was offensive (and, while I don't thnk it is that bad, I could see his point). The other one was this recording. He did not play it because he could not find a good enough copy for airplay.

    The station I worked at played it -- but it was a pretty ratted out copy. The reason there is no video on this post is because there is no video of it on YouTube, at least in English.

    Maybe this is another touchy-feely schmaltzy type of record -- but I guess Christmas does that to me.

  2. Oh, this is nice! I like it very much.

  3. I am very happy that you enjoyed it, Lady Red.

  4. All of these wonderful Christmas songs are a welcome break from politics, don't you think?

  5. All we are saying is MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!

    The music is sure puting me in the mood.

  6. Me too! I've been humming and singing all day! :)
