Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Time For A Little Holiday Cheer

This is wonderful! Enjoy...


  1. That was great, Lady Red. Thank you.

  2. I love the spontaneous things like this SO MUCH! As long as they're quick, of course. But really, it is something different in everyone's day, it brings a smile (when done well), it's something to talk about...

    It's good.

  3. Bless you, lady red, for posting this! Makes me feel embarrassed about my DWTS rant :-)

    The Hallelujah Chorus always brings tears to my eyes - tears of joy!

    Thanks you so much, dear friend.

  4. Lady Red, thanks for posting that. It was much needed.

    Have been having a seriously rough time of things lately. This kinds of things are exactly what I need.

  5. Stunning!

    And beautiful, thank you lady red.

    afw said: "I love the spontaneous things like this SO MUCH!"

    I don't think there was much about that performance that was spontaneous. It was well rehearsed and performed.

    Suprising, yes. Spontaneous, no.

    florrie said: "Makes me feel embarrassed about my DWTS rant :-)"

    No need to be embarrassed at all florrie, you made valid points.

  6. That was fantastic!

    Fay, although it certainly was well rehearsed, the performance comes across as quite spontaneous.

    (the WTF look on the boy's face at 1:20 is priceless.)

  7. Pamela, rough times seem to be going around these days. I hope things look up for you.

  8. "Fay, although it certainly was well rehearsed, the performance comes across as quite spontaneous."

    I must have a different definition of spontaneous. To me it means that the participants didn't know it was going to happen and just burst into song apropropo of nothing.

    The way I saw it was that all the participants were (and had planned to be) in the same place at the same time. They took their cues from the lead off singer and everyone played their roles as rehearsed.

  9. But I would add that spontaneous or not, it was brilliant.

    And welcome.

    And I will be watching it again.

  10. I'm not trying to say that it was spontaneous, but it...

    I'm not even going to try. My brain is done for the day. I will agree that it was brilliant.

    And I've already watched it several times.

    And will probably watch again...

    Good night all!

  11. Night Alphie, sleep tight, see you in the morning light xxx

  12. A great way to brighten a bad morning.

    It did look as though some people joined in spontaneously. Once upon a time, before my throat was ruined by age and bad habits, I would have.

    My sister would now, but then she has no bad habits, is the choir director for her church, and travelled through Russia in the late 80's singing with a Christian choral group.

  13. Fay, you're right - I used the word wrong. I meant that I love it when the people in the crowd who are not participating have no idea that this is going to happen.

    The looks on their faces is WONDERFUL! It's just cool.

    Can I blame the three weeks on construction in my basement and my kids having cabin fever for my misuse of words?

  14. Nah. Just blame shirtless Putin. ;))
