Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Outrage (And Gorge) Are Rising Again

After the election I was in a state of exhaustion mixed with boredom.

So much energy expended for very little immediate return (yes, I do want it and right now!).

But this story, from The Daily Beast, telling how the builders of the Ground Zero Victory Mosque have now applied for a $5 million grant from the 9/11 rebuilding funds has injected new energy into my anger (or perhaps new anger into my energy?).

Oh, the rising gorge is caused by reading the idiocy that passes for commentary there.  I suggest you avoid that part.


  1. Now DWT, you're just being a bone-headed, intolerant, bigoted racist. Why shouldn't we gladly pay for a chunk of the victory mosque...er, I mean cultural center?

    Tsk tsk.

    Seriously though, I feel like all this crazy stuff is piling up like dry kindling, just waiting for a match. I'm weary too; this last election took the starch out of me, especially when the idiots in Nevada reelected Dingy Harry. Damn.

    I confided in Noah the other day that I just want to turn off the TV and radio for a week or two, to try to regain my bearings without all the screaming. He looked at me and said "burying your head in the sand won't help. What if we all did?" He's right, of course. But I'm tired.

    We're beyond arguing politics in our country. The two visions for going forward are incompatible with each other; there isn't enough room for compromise. Families have been estranged, old and happy friendships have been snuffed out like a candle that can't breathe.

    Okay, I'll hush up now. Maybe I'll bake bread today, and take out my frustrations on a hapless lump of dough. POW! POW! Take THAT, bread! Hah!

  2. I'm with you, DWT. The shear gall of those asses makes me see red. What do you bet that they get that grant. I don't have the answer but somehow we, as a country, must turn this kind of crap around.

    Now, forgive the off topic, but I must further burnish 'our' Lewy's stellar reputation for insightful and clever commentary.

    At PJM's "Faster, Please!" with Michael Ledeen, Lewy gets to the meat of the matter...

    "2. lewy14
    Michael, the blog name of “Faster, Please” kinda precludes a post title of “Sex Scandals”. Just sayin’. OK now I’ll go read the post…

    November 23, 2010 - 2:21 am Link to this Comment | Reply Michael Ledeen
    Touche’ Lewy 14. Good work!

    November 23, 2010 - 5:14 am Link to this Comment | Reply"

    Sorry but couldn't get blockquote to work.

  3. OMG Luther, are you kidding me? x(

  4. This is absurd. From the article:

    "... the project likely doesn’t qualify for a grant in the first place. Specifically, the grant criteria mandate a demonstration of a project’s financial feasibility, based on benchmarks set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The government will help complete development projects—but it does not provide seed capital. And in their last public financial statement, Park51 was found to have less than $20,000 in the bank for a project with a slated cost of $100 million.

    "Any solicitation for LMDC funds would have to meet the HUD criteria for eligibility," explains Julie Menin, an LMDC board member and the chairperson of New York’s Community Board 1, which includes the World Trade Center site.

    That criteria should kill the request up front. What you really might want to "watch for" is if and when the big check arrives from KSA.

    Now that would make it more interesting ... if local Muslim funding is non-existent and the bulk comes from elsewhere.

  5. I heard about this earlier. Although completely disgusted and disheartened, I am not surprised.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. From Aridog's post, I see that it states the project *likely* doesn't qualify for grant money. Sadly, I don't think that makes a difference. After all, why was this project fast-tracked and OK'd by the planning commission and other public entities while St. Nicholas's application to rebuild is STILL not approved?

  8. Florrie, yeah, I don't believe the "likely doesn't qualify" line either. Bullpucky. I feel certain that an exception will be made for this mosque project, all in the name of "tolerance and healing". Ptooey. I'll bet you a ten spot that it'll be one of those weekend or holiday decisions.

  9. DWT said...
    "But this story, from The Daily Beast, telling how the builders of the Ground Zero Victory Mosque have now applied for a $5 million grant from the 9/11 rebuilding funds has injected new energy into my anger (or perhaps new anger into my energy?)."

    Hmmm... I'm going with the latter : P

  10. Interesting... from the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation website.
    The Program Guidelines state the following:
    The Program will support cultural and community programs and projects in Lower Manhattan that would (a) meet the needs of Lower Manhattan residents, workers, and communities resulting from the events of September 11, (b) address or prevent blight, and/or (c) benefit low and moderate income persons.
    Following the attacks of September 11, 2001, LMDC was designated the recipient of a $2 billion Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for World Trade Center disaster recovery and rebuilding efforts in Lower Manhattan.

    I'm really confused. We were told that the mosque had nothing at all to do with Ground Zero. Heck, it's a whole *two blocks* away from Ground Zero. How could anyone possibly try to make a connection between the mosque and 9/11? Unpossible! we were told.

    Now... the site is in need of redevelopment due to it's proximity to Ground Zero? But... it's two entire blocks away and wasn't at all, in away way, affected by 9/11 attack. Yet, at the same time, it was?

    I must be getting old, because I just can't make sense of any of this.

  11. florrie on Tom's laptopNovember 23, 2010 at 11:00 PM

    Great points as always, Alphie.

  12. Fay's being mean!

    I am too sore to laugh.

  13. I'm guessing that Tom has a huge smile on his face....

  14. Fay IS mean, making her injured hubby laugh!

    tee hee

    I think if that were the case, Tom would be injured as well...I've been hitting the peanut butter cookies pretty hard during this deep freeze...just sayin'.

  15. I'm so glad that Jennifer won, it was bittersweet, I thought of Patrick Swayze all evening.

    She really deserved it, I thought she and Brandy were the best dancers followed closely by Rick Fox and Curt Warner (both sexy dreamboats, am I right, Fay?)

    They need to get rid of that woman co-host, she bugs the hedoublehockeysticks out of me.

  16. Well, good night all you fine people, see you tomorrow :-)

  17. Folks, I dislike "weasel words" such as "likely" too. The project does NOT qualify for the grant sought, period. IF it receives the grant, those responsible for granting it need to be held accountable under the law. In advance, you might wish to let your Congresspersons, as well as HUD management, know how you feel about it.

    For myself, I'm fine with the Park 51 Center IF New Yorkers, Muslim or otherwise, pay for it themselves. I am NOT okay with any of it if anyone else is directly or indirectly obligated to pay for one brick of it.

    That a agenda group seeks a free chunk of change doesn't surprise me...it is done all the time by various groups. What will surprise me, given the criteria, is if the grant is made at all. That will piss me off, as it is an unequal application of the criteria...in that it indirectly obligates me to pay for it.

    I feel I've enough of those kinds of obligations already where money paid out in taxes doesn't make it back to my home state (it goes to Alaska, of course, among other parasite states). If one of the wealthiest cites in the world (New York City) cannot pay for the "center" then perhaps they shouldn't build it.

  18. Well, I hope you're right and they are not given grant money, Aridog.
