Saturday, November 27, 2010

"It's in Oregon; and Oregon, like, you know, nobody ever thinks about..."

Via Drudge: Terror bomb fail.

"You know there's going to be a lot of children there?" an FBI operative asked Mohamud. "You know there are gonna be a lot of children there?"

Mohamud allegedly responded he was looking for a "huge mass that will ... be attacked in their own element with their families celebrating the holidays."


"I want whoever is attending that event to leave, to leave either dead or injured," Mohamud reportedly told the FBI operatives, the affidavit says.

The supplier of the bomb making materials was undercover FBI who supplied some convincing looking faux C4 or some such, apparently.
I will be looking around for the inevitable talking points:
  • This is a manufactured crime and poor impressionable kid was entrapped and set up by the Feds.
  • We should avoid displays of religion in the public square (you know, the sacred Christmas Tree) in order to avoid "provocation".
On a more subtle note - consider the effort the FBI went to dissuade this guy. How many do they succeed in dissuading, that we never hear about?


  1. Can we say that we are at war now?

    It would be nice if this guy said it was party of a holy war, and uses the word "war." Then we could just take him out and shoot him..

    Not that we would, of course.

  2. I wonder why it took so long? The feebs say that he wasn't part of a larger plot, so why not just arrest him a year ago instead of playing out this enormous drama?

    /Just pondering out loud....

  3. I thought about my nephew (and lewy as well) when I heard about this attempt to kill people at the gathering to decorate a Christmas tree.

    Can we profile yet? Or does another attack actually have to succeed?

  4. I wonder why it took so long? The feebs say that he wasn't part of a larger plot, so why not just arrest him a year ago instead of playing out this enormous drama?

    My guess is that it gives Holder & Big Sis better talking points to illustrate their philosophy that the "WoT" (or whatever euphemism they are currently using) is a matter for law enforcement.

    I'm just shocked that some are calling it a "Christmas" rather than "Holiday" tree lighting event. Even our garbage company used "Holiday tree recycling" fliers in our latest bill...


  5. "I'm just shocked that some are calling it a "Christmas" rather than "Holiday" tree lighting event. Even our garbage company used "Holiday tree recycling" fliers in our latest bill..."

    Seriously? That's just silly. Even here, in the deep blue heart of NJ, our town still refers to the collection as Christmas tree pick-up or drop-off.

    Or, so I think...

  6. I have to ask - WTF other holiday on December 25 uses a friggin' tree?

    Stupid shit, right there. Apparently the opposite of "Offensive" is not "tolerant", it is "idiotic".

    Someone needs to change that antonym entry on

  7. Lewy, I just saw a quote on Weasel Zippers:

    "Tonight in Portland, we had a small dose of the FBI’s almost-operational terror sprees, as agents spent more than a year goading a young jihadi wannabe into almost killing thousands of Portlandians in our city’s living room as we gathered for the lighting of the holiday tree…"

    So your prediction did not even take 24 hours. I would give you credit, but that prediction was like saying that the sun will rise in the east and set in the west tomorrow.

  8. Around these parts, it's CHRISTMAS. I think if anyone said "holiday tree" within earshot of these fine Baptists, they'd be hogtied to a church pew and preached at until they begged Gaia for sweet mercy.

    Amen and pass the taters.

  9. ^^^Post of the month.

  10. Matt, LMAO. Yeah, not much of a "prediction", eh?

  11. Hmmm... I just re-read the article and noticed that, except for one instance, the Portland event is referred to as a "holiday tree lighting event". Strangely, the lone exception- the solitary utterance of the word "Christmas"- was in a quote from the Islamic terrorist (I mean suspect).

  12. Well, if THAT'S not ironic...

  13. lewy, your predictions were correct, as Matt said.

  14. On a happier note, we're just heading out to a specialty nursery where I will pick up around a dozen more rhododendrons.

    WooHoo!! Oh, happy day!

    Talk to you all later...
