Friday, November 26, 2010

The Best Pop Song Ever

...thanks to airforce family kid S3(at least I think it's S3!) I am reminded of this brilliant REM song. I completely love and can never get enough of this song.


  1. Hah! It was S3!

    I'm going to record her singing this and post it on facebook, I think.

    Of course, she's the kid who looks cute all the time, so... :)

  2. This song is ADDICTIVE! It's my fave by REM.

    AFW, yeah, she does look cute all the time. All your kids do! :)

  3. Oooo, that's a good 'un, Fay.
    I'm also a fan of REM. Here's my fav ~

    Everybody Hurts

  4. Thank you, lady red! I'd like to claim credit, but either they look like exact replicas of their Dad or carbon copies of my grandmother. Not much of me in that incubating there.

    The conversation that took place after S3's REM moment was even more hilarious. She thought for awhile and then asked if REM did Personal Jesus as well. AFG told her that was Depeche Mode, and she said, "Yeah, I knew eyeliner was involved somehow."

    So maybe THAT is what she gets from me. :)

  5. isn't Losing My Religion a saying in the south when you are trying to kick a bad habit?

    My fave REM song was a cover they did when Mike Mills did the lead singing called "Superman". I think it is off of "Life's Rich Pageant"

  6. Oh florrie, I forgot about Everybody Hurts! I love that one too. Allot. :p

  7. florrie trying to use new laptopNovember 28, 2010 at 1:02 AM

    lol, love ya, lady red!

  8. New laptop???? Yay!!!!

    I loved my laptop until eeevil Steve Jobs & co-conspirators created the IPad. Now I tolerate my laptop until I can afford the new toy. I've also been drooling over the droid app on my brother's cellie. Pricey? You betcha!

    Of course, by the time I can afford it the IPad will be old school/obsolete/dusty/ancient. Sigh.

  9. I like the "Nightswimming" song. If I ever have the guts to do Karaoke that's gonna be my song.

  10. She thought for awhile and then asked if REM did Personal Jesus as well. AFG told her that was Depeche Mode, and she said, "Yeah, I knew eyeliner was involved somehow."


  11. Losing my Religion, Everybody Hurts, Superman, Nightswimming... all good tunes. My fave REM song is "We Walk". It's not a great song, but it has a nice simplicity to it.

    A far as best pop song is concerned- I'd have to mull it over...
