Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Here Come The Atheists

And they're spending gobs of money to whiz on Christmas.

According to a New York Times story, four free-thought groups -- representing atheists, agnostics and humanists -- are launching ad campaigns.

The American Humanist Association has produced a commercial that will air on NBC, and its advertisements will also appear in major national newspapers and on buses. Commercials will feature passages from religious texts that denounce gender equality and promote slavery, followed by compassionate quotes from well-known humanists.

Oh brother.  Are they bored or what?  I notice that their campaign only bashes the Christian faith.  That tells me everything I need to know.

So much for reason.


  1. What - you mean they didn't have "Slay the unbelievers!" or selections on the appropriate way to beat your wife on billboards around Eid?

    I'm shocked - shocked, I tell you!

  2. Is it too early for this Jew to wish my goyish friends a very Merry Christmas?

    If it is, I can come back later.

  3. "I notice that their campaign only bashes the Christian faith."

    No, you DIDN'T notice. But you were just too eager to bash atheists.

    Check out

  4. Geez, that was fast. 35 minutes! Thanks for stopping by, Brian.

  5. Hmmmm... 29 Bible, 3 Islam/Koran. I guess that's something. Though considering that many of those Bible references were Old Testament, couldn't they be construed to bash Jews?

  6. "Geez, that was fast. 35 minutes! Thanks for stopping by, Brian."

    No comment about how your original statement was completely wrong because you didn't even BOTHER TO CHECK?

    Why am I not surprised?

    But I suppose believers are just too used to making up stuff and pretending it's true, instead of, say, finding out facts first.

  7. Brian - buddy - hop off the high horse. Got a little bit of irony for you - you've got about 3 incorrect assumptions in that response.

    It's the internet - things move fast, sometimes people don't dig down three levels to find information. It's not a capital crime.

    You want to make your case? Fine - this is a pretty open minded community. But coming in with all guns blazing isn't a very good way to gain one.

  8. Hey, folks, give Brian a break. Sure, 95% of the references are to the bible. But remember, these ads will run during one of Christianity’s holiest times of the year. I am sure that next Ramadan they will give Islam the full court press.

    And maybe we should do what we can to support our fellow humans -- just like such self-avowed atheists as the Unibomber and Timothy McVeigh. Maybe we can even form national governments around movements such as Germany's National Socialist Party or the Soviet Union's Communist party – both of which felt themselves incompatible with religion.

  9. Brian, you have some nice PDFs up on your website. Brave.

    Tell me, is the NBC commercial going to bash Islam as well as Christianity?

    Are you going to run ads around Eid in Michigan telling people Muhammed is "just a myth?"

    How much money are you going to spend bashing Islam?

    Or are those PDFs just up on your website to play gotcha games with your critics?


    I'm quite familiar with the Hadith and Koranic quotes you put up. I read them, and dozens like them, pasted endlessly by warbloggers over the last nine years.

    And I've seen them criticized relentlessly by people who claim that they're taken out of context, they ignore other moderating passages, that they ignore exegesis and oral tradition, and that generally they're cited by hateful Christianist warmongerers who don't know the first thing about Islam, which is a religion of peace.

    Mostly these critical people have been Athiest and Humanist.

    So excuse me if I find you ads less than compelling, or honest.

    By the way, I have a modest Buddhist practice, and if you'd like to pull some nasty quotes on us, I'll save you the trouble and tell you where to look:

    - check out some of the sayings of Siddhartha in the Pali canon about women and their role in perpetuating suffering.

    - Also, check out the writings of certain Nichiren and Zen abbots with regard to Japanese militarism.

    - and don't even get me started about my Brahman Hindu friends. OMFG. Baghavad Gita is full of awesome chewy troll food. There's over a billion Hindu, too - why not pick on them?

    - esoteric Taoism - super, super freaky shit going on there - Dwarkin and MacKinnon will have a field day.

    Hope that keeps you all busy for your next campaign. Good luck!

  10. Oh heck, I went to bed and missed all the fun!

    Brian, calm down. The humanist campaign reported in my link will be conducted over the Christmas season. That isn't targeting Christians? Come on, dude. The article specifically states that activist atheists are taking aim at the Christian "nativity myth". By citing a quote or two from the Koran on your website, you're being rather disingenuous, aren't you? If you have a beef with the content of the article, take it up with the publisher, not me.

    Second, your assumption in #7 is erroneous. I'm not a Christian. However, unlike you, I have tolerance and respect for ALL religions that aren't out to kill me.

    Personally, I could care less whether or not you believe in a higher power. If you would like to discuss this issue, I'm all ears. However, please temper your shrill tone. Thank you.

  11. "The humanist campaign reported in my link will be conducted over the Christmas season."

    But that isn't what you wrote. Here is what you wrote:

    "I notice that their campaign only bashes the Christian faith. That tells me everything I need to know.

    So much for reason."

    I notice you simply made up lies instead of taking a few seconds to find out what sorts of ads they were actually running. That tells me everything I need to know about you.

    So much for the Conservative Kitchen Table.

  12. Brian, did you read the article I linked to? It specifically SAYS that this campaign is aimed at the "nativity myth". Perhaps you folks have other campaigns targeting Buddhists and Hindus and Muslims, who knows? If you do, it wasn't reported in the article.

    I certainly don't have time to fact-check every article printed by every newspaper. You had a prime opportunity here to set the record straight in a thoughtful and respectful manner. You chose instead to go on "attack" mode.

    Is that reasonable?

    Now I must calls. I'll be happy to respond to any further posts when I get home late this afternoon. Toodles everyone!

  13. Brian, so much for your antagonistic elitist attitude. You still did not address the basic issues brought up.

    How does having 3 out of 32 items targeting Islam show equal treatment? How is going after the "nativity myth" show that you are also going after Islam?

    As I hinted at earlier, lets see you try this stuff next Ramadan with TV ads talking about the myth of Mohamed. Something tells me that you won't do it, because you know you will either be dead or will have to go into hiding when a jihad is called against you.

    Not everyone here is a Christian. But it was your group that started this ad campaign, not us. If you feel you have a more realistic view of things, we will be willing to listen. But don't walk in here with a chip on your shoulder and figuratively piss on our floor.

  14. "I certainly don't have time to fact-check every article printed by every newspaper."

    But you have plenty of time to lie about atheists, and to try to rationalize your lies when someone calls you on it. You also might have gotten a clue by the phrase "religious textS" in the story you linked to.

    Next time you write about atheists, don't lie about them and then have the audacity to use your own lies to berate them.

  15. Brian, it is always telling when someone ignores question after question posd to him.

    Did the article say your campaign was to go after the "nativity myth/" Yes or no.

    Did the article talk about plans to target other religions with as much vigor as you are going after Christianity? Nes or no.

    Did the article discuss any such plans, if there were any? Yes or now.

    Yes, you did have some posts that targeting Islam. Was the total number of posts against Islam only about 10% of the number of posts against Islam? Yes or no.

    Are you coming across as a yellow-livered who is more than willing to constanlt spit on those you know will do nothing back?

    You talk about how we are not studying your writings and are spreading lies about atheists. I take it you have done a thourough study of Christianity, rather than believe lies you have been fed. Or have you?

  16. Um Brian? You did know that the Bible is made up of 66 books, right? That it's not uncommon to refer to the "textS" of Scripture?

    Quit trying to play "gotcha" and come to the adult table if you want to make your case.

    Oh - and for someone to lie, there's this little matter of intent to deceive, perhaps making things up out of whole cloth. Lady Red has already stated that she drew conclusions on the basis of the text of the linked article - that's not lying.

    I'm very curious to read your response to RadioMattM's questions.

  17. you mind if I yawn?

    Technically, I could be defined as an "atheist", however I discourage folks from calling me that because I am not one who rails against the faith and beliefs of others while advocating a literal cult of my own ... that of "atheism." What's to prove in a void?

    I've been to war, met interesting people and killed them. Frankly, killing is pretty easy once you get the hang of it...which you either do promptly or you come home in a box. Say, hey, does that child (or whatever simpatico personage you which) coming down the road toward you have a claymore strapped to him/her under that garment? Know how to tell? Hose the little shit and see what's up, that's how. God or no-God has nothing what-so-ever to do with it. You do. The vaunted human, the logical, brutal, rational epic killer of killers, ... this Genus/Species you'd have us worship, so to speak, in what ever dithering semantic nonsense you devise.

    So today we call it "Humanism" and refer to it as rational, logical, et al., ad nauseum. So what is "Humanism?" I've read a bit of your web site now and what do I see? I see a group who doesn't believe in God, as a higher power per se, but elevates humanity itself to that pinnacle. You seek merely to replace a belief with another, and dubious at that. If there's no God, so be it. Move on (Get out from in front of that self admiring mirror).

    No war, no genocide, universal peace, yada yada. Never mind the fundamental design with in nature and the various food chains. Dang, it's inconveninent that humans are the critters who developed genocide and war to a high art isn't it. Some pinnacle, that. Good enough to solicit support and donations, probably got a nice tax dodge too......hmmmmm.

    Sounds like a "religion" to me. Doesn't bother me, however, since we all need amusement from time to time. You might want to read up on the concept of Yin and Yang, as it is at least more honest and seeks to "prove" nothing, simply asserts normalcy as quiescence

    Quiescence in life: That state of affairs where the Zebra grazes comfortably relaxed right next to a pride of lions, who've recently had their appetite satiated by killing and eating said Zebra's cousins and siblings. Peace reigns ... until the lions get hungry again. Rinse and repeat.

  18. Hey, geniuses. Heard of the phrase "target demographic"? The point is, there are lots of people out there who don't really *think*, and in the US especially, the vast majority are christian. The very VERY vast majority.
    Apart from unspecified religion/nonreligious, which makes up about 20% (rounded from 19% but 1% is kinda irrelevant), there might be maybe 5 percent that don't have faiths based on the bible in some way or another.

    So the question is, would you get a massive billboard questioning a particular set of beliefs that aren't held by many people who actually see it? What would be the point of questioning the quran's authenticity if it's quite possible that NO MUSLIMS WILL DRIVE PAST IT OR SEE IT?

    So don't act like you're a persecuted minority, we aren't "bashing" you, we're saying that the stuff you believe in is not true. If you can't handle that, maybe that's more reason for you to consider the integrity of your own values.

    Also aridog, either you're making stuff up, or you were reading non-existent implications between the lines. The point of humanism is to just get over fighting for some non-existent deitis which has yet to give any decent proof of it's existence ("have faith") and actually enjoy life. If you think it's worshipping humanity as a god then you're MISSING THE POINT.

  19. Geez, I'm so old now that I've forgotten that each generation throws up a new group of self-righteous college freshman with "new" ideas about taking it to The Man.


  20. Dear said I'm missing the point? Man, you just made my point.

    Dear Jourdan ... doesn't seem so long ago, today, eh? 8-} ~x(

  21. Anonymous: Well, I'm a giver. Let me help you out.

    You could put that billboard about Islam up in Dearborn, MI! That way, lots of your "target audience" would drive past and see it! You're welcome!

    I don't really care about your billboard, though. I'm sure some people do get their panties in a bunch about your billboards or your lack of Jesus. Then again, you all seem to get your panties in a bunch when people point out your own inconsistencies in belief and actions.

    Believers hardly corner the market on self-righteous perturbation.

  22. "Anonymous: Well, I'm a giver. Let me help you out.

    You could put that billboard about Islam up in Dearborn, MI! That way, lots of your "target audience" would drive past and see it! You're welcome!"

    afw, lol!!!

  23. Heard of the phrase "target demographic"? The point is, there are lots of people out there who don't really *think*, and in the US especially, the vast majority are christian. The very VERY vast majority.

    Oh - so it really IS targeting/bashing the Christian faith. Thanks for the clarification!

  24. Wait! I have another idea! They could burn a Koran!

    Because I figure if one dinky little pastor in some nowhere church in Florida can get international attention and statements made by The President of the United States and the commanding general in Afghanistan, well then some smart atheists should be able to get even MORE attention, right?

    And with the entire international community watching, wouldn't the "target audience" end up being most of the world? I mean, that would reach more people than a billboard somewhere, right? And probably cost less, too!

    Just another idea. I mean, if you really WANT to affect a change, that might be a way to go about it effectively.

  25. "Just another idea. I mean, if you really WANT to affect a change, that might be a way to go about it effectively."



  26. *doffs hat*

    afw, you're a marketing genius! But that's not their target demographic.

  27. I see what you're saying, Ari. Burning a Koran is kind of, well, sooooo last month.

    They'd have to kick it up a notch. Maybe go Mapplethorpe or Serrano.

  28. Why thank you, Lyana!

    You know how I like to be helpful.

    Hey, who was that artist with the exhibit that featured objects made out of poo? Not Santiago Sierra, but the one who actually made things out of poop.

    There's some definite possibility in that genre as well.

  29. You all are killin' me! LMAO!!! :))

  30. I guess they studied marketing 101, if they are using terms such as "target demographics." They must have missed the lesson that said, "If you are trying to sell a product, don't tell people they are lying idiots if they have no interest in buying your product."

  31. anon wrote: The point is, there are lots of people out there who don't really *think*

    "Thinking" is vastly overrated. In fact, it is extremely dangerous.

    Read Blindsight by Peter Watts. You'll be so terrified of "reason" that you'll never want to "think" again.

    (Peter Watts, btw, is not religious and is a marine biologist in addition to being a scifi author. The novel has over a hundred footnotes into the peer reviewed literature of cognitive psychology, evolutionary biology, nervous systems pathology, etc...)

  32. I suggest atheists direct their energy & campaigns against islam which will if it achieves its goals either force them to convert and worship allah on pain of death or murder them outright.

    Nativity & Christmas doesn't seem so bad now, do they?

  33. Aridog, that's the biggest picture of RWC I've ever seen!

  34. ib, I think the whole point of the exercise is for them to piss off people they know will not do anything to them. To do otherwise would actually require some backbone.

  35. You said it, Matt. I saw one of the "humanist" commercials on TV last night.

    I was underwhelmed. It's too bad they chose to present their message by throwing rocks at others. The ad came across as mean-spirited and petty.

    I'm not fond of drama-queen atheists who's sole purpose in life is to rain on everyone else's parade.

    Aridog hit the nail on the head in his #18:

    You seek merely to replace a belief with another, and dubious at that. If there's no God, so be it. Move on (Get out from in front of that self admiring mirror).

  36. Welcome to TCKT, ib! I don't think the "humanists" will be tackling Islam anytime soon. Like Matt pointed out, that would require a backbone.
