Friday, October 1, 2010

True Cyber-War Is Launched

How The Stuxnet Worm Is Scaring The Tech World Half to Death.

What I really enjoy is the fact that more than 60% of the infected computers are in Iran - and many of those in the computers that run the Iranian nuclear weapons program.



  1. And after actually reading the article, I'm convinced it was da Joos :D

    Joos 1
    Iran nadda

  2. Did they make the nuclear missles aim at Tehran?

  3. Well, hopefully at the mullahs and politico's in Tehran, Matt.

    I know that there are a lot of Iranians who are opposed to what Iran has become and I wouldn't want to lose them. I've met quite a few "Persians" here in Vancouver and they are nothing like what we see portrayed by Armadinnerjacket.

  4. The majority that I have met call themselves Persian rather than Iranian.

    Islam is not their religion.

  5. Okay, how many more comments before I own the sidebar....

  6. I'm wondering if stuxnet wasn't deployed for no other reason than to be found, after slow propagation via flash drive.

    Look at the computers it has infected, and where they're located. Interesting collection of nations.

    Maybe stuxnet was designed to do nothing more than look really, really scary, and simply report back where it had penetrated.

    I'm thinking that "infection zero" was a well chosen target, and the subsequent spread was logged, giving a kind of "six degrees of Kevin Bacon" map of the interactions between technical teams and companies in different countries.

    On discovery, everyone infected would freak out and complain - further alerting the world as to who was working with who.

    If it was Israel who perpetrated this, then they now know much more about the supply and technical links which Iran has with other nations and corporations - better to strangle the Iranian nuclear project.

    If I were some supplier or smuggler of high tech in Indonesia or Russia or Pakistan, I wouldn't be sleeping well at night knowing that Mossad has name, number and IP address. And knowing the world wouldn't miss me much if I went missing or went splat. No fuss, no muss.

    I'm thinking this kind of information may be of better long term use to the Israelis than a single industrial "accident", however well chosen.

  7. Very interesting observation, Lewy.

  8. Wow, Lewy, your comment sure is food for thought.

  9. Very interesting thoughts, lewy.

    My fear is that stuxie wasn't created by Israeli intelligence...or us, or our cousins across the pond. Then what? What if stuxie is a Chinese operation?

    That thought is enough to ice up the cockles of my heart, for sure. Yikes.

  10. What if stuxie is a Chinese operation?

    Then they would be particularly upset at having it called "stuxie". They don't go for cute-speak. ;)

    Seriously, I'm pretty sure the Chinese could do something like this - and the Russians, and the Indians, and the Germans, the Japanese, etc... I'm just not sure why they'd care.

    Maybe it was the US! Nobody suspects we have the will to do these things; maybe we (or some of us) do after all...

    Thanks everyone for the kind words. Just thinking out loud...
