Friday, October 1, 2010

And Now For Some Happy News...

We've been blessed with another a beautiful grand-niece! Seven pounds and five ounces of cuteness...welcome to the world, Addie!


  1. Beautiful, Lady Red. My congratulations to the proud parents, grandparents and grandaunts/uncles.

  2. Aww...welcome Addie! How lovely lady red, congrats to all.

    And a toast to baby Addie, L'Chaim.

  3. Noah, Lewy, Dances, Ari, me, and the other cranky old farts -- err, distinguished gentlemen will be on the veranda with our cigars.

    Congratulations Lady Red. I know Addie will have one wonderful grandaunt.

    Funny thing, when my niece had her first child, it did not bother me that my brother was a grandfather, or that I was a grand uncle. What bothered me was the MY father was a GREAT grandfather.

  4. That is one seriously cute little baby. Congratulations to the lady red clan.

  5. Thank you, everyone. Mom and baby are doing well. I hope you gents enjoyed your stinky cigar!

    *cough cough*


  6. Really cute little lass. Congratulations.
    Did you know that publishing that picture on the Web here in England would render you liable for prosecution for publishing "pornography"?
    The babe appears to be naked and that is punishable in law.
    Our law makers are real sick puppies.

  7. ^^^ ?!?

    Congratulations, lady red! She's just beautiful (and I love her name :-).

  8. Thanks, selsey.steve and florrie!

    I'm glad I don't live in England. The law you describe sounds positively draconian, Steve. Yikes.

  9. What a sweetie!

    Here's hoping that she's very good to her mommy and daddy. :-)
