Monday, October 11, 2010

Shutting Up Business

The progressive power structure in Washington has pulled on its jackboots.  This abuse of power is staggering and more than a little frightening:

Last Tuesday, the liberal blog ThinkProgress, run by the Center for American Progress Action Fund, reported that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce had collected some $300,000 in annual dues from foreign companies. Since the money went into the Chamber's general fund, the allegation is that it could have been used to pay for political ads, which would violate a ban on foreign companies participating in American elections. The Chamber says it uses no foreign money for its political activities and goes to great lengths to raise separate funds for political purposes.

That didn't stop President Obama from raising the issue in a Maryland speech last week, saying that "groups that receive foreign money are spending huge sums to influence American elections." Within hours of the ThinkProgress report, the bully boys at asked the Department of Justice to launch a criminal investigation of the Chamber. In a letter to the Federal Election Commission, Minnesota Senator Al Franken expressed his profound concern that "foreign corporations are indirectly spending significant sums to influence American elections through third-party groups." From the man who stole his Senate election in a dubious recount, this is rich.

Even Mr. Franken admits in his letter that the Chamber's commingling of funds in its general accounts is not "per se illegal," but apparently he thinks it's fine to unleash federal investigators because the Chamber cash might contribute to the defeat of fellow Democrats.

The outrage over the Chamber is especially amusing considering the role of foreigners in U.S. labor unions. According to the Center for Competitive Politics, close to half of the unions that are members of the AFL-CIO are international. One man's corporate commingling is another's union dues.

Please read the entire WSJ article.  Post it on your blogs, email links to your friends, add it to your Facebook page, and shout it from the rooftops.  

Above all, VOTE IN NOVEMBER.  Let these thugs know that we're mad as hell, and we're not gonna take this anymore.


  1. These people will stop at NOTHING to keep their power. We have to strip them of any pretense of legitimacy and send them home in disgrace.

  2. Well, the Chamber of Commerce simply needs to respond with the facts that:

    A) Unions, which are spending similar amounts on Democrat candidates also get a large amount of money from foreign sources, and

    B) Barry's own campaign (AFTER he lied about taking only public funds) removed any and all safeguards from its website so that credit card contributions could be accepted from anywhere in the world, and under as many fictitious names as the contributors could come up with.

    But this is classic Democrat strategy - accuse the opponents of doing the things you've already done, and be sure that the media will NEVER call you on it.

  3. Hey, you ought to know by now that laws only pertain to the evil. The Dems are so good, and their cause so righteous, that the laws do not apply to them.

    This is another example of how there are so many laws so that if someone wants to get you -- they can. But since the Dems are in power, and their friends run the media,the Dems are insulated from such persecution.

    The elite sicken me.

    As Lady Red said, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more."
