Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Quick, Somebody Get The Band-Aids!

McMahon bitch-slaps Blumenthal, kicks him in the shin, and yanks out a hunk of hair...

Unbelievable. This November, the choice couldn't be clearer.

Here's more commentary on the McMahon/Blumenthal debate from Ace.


  1. I'll bet McMahon could take him two falls out of three. Hell, I'll bet my mom could take him two falls out of three!

    What a mealy-mouthed weenie. Ptooey.

  2. What a maroon. Other than say "Let the government to it," did he say anything?

    Oh, and the government is going to impose a "made in America" requirement? So if some piece of trash is made by an Amercian company and costs twice what a Japanese version -- of much higher quality -- costs, we should buy American? I believe in buying American (or Canadian) -- but I believe the US should step up and manufacture world class products that people want to buy. I do not think it should be done out of entitlement.

    The reason Blumenthal wants to "buy American" is so that those products could be made in union shops. I doubt he gives a rip about the mom and pop companies.

    Lady Red, would your mother blow off the third round. If not, then why wouldn't it be three out of three?

  3. You write the best headlines. Truly.

  4. Mom would've had him three of three, but she tagged Gertie the precocious chicken. Gertie took one look and bolted for the coop. ;P

  5. Hmm, A Dirty Martini is now password protected. I guess we're too rowdy for her...

    /squinting at Fay


    Seriously though, does anyone know what's going on with alison? I hope everything is okay.

  6. I don't know what's going on lady red. I've emailed alison (and copied you).
