Saturday, October 16, 2010

Oh liver!

While we're on a roll of British rockers, I found this gem at Moonage Webdream. The site's host describes it thusly:

For those of us over 46, I’m sure you’ve spent the last 40 of those years wondering what the hell Joe Cocker actually sang at Woodstock. The music was sorta The Beatles’ With a Little Help From My Friends. But, the words, not so much. Someone with way too much time on their hands actually sat down and parsed each syllable and figured it all out. Quite honestly, it’s not far from what I thought. But, what I thought made no sense. Oh well. Now we know:


  1. LMAO literally!

    Oh, I guess I should have put a warning about not trying to drink anything while you watch it otherwise you'll need a new keyboard =))

  2. OMG, I'm howling! LMAO times ten!!! Great find, Fay!

  3. Oh baby, hoggify!

    Entirely not what I expected, but quite obviously that's what he's singing. Who knew?

    I'm tellin' Ellen, kiss Anne no more : P

  4. Fay, that was AWESOME!!

    Boy, I love me some Joe Cocker.

