Saturday, October 16, 2010

NBC Smears Allen West

Now NBC is walkin' on the fightin' side of me.  Lisa Myers has her well-manicured claws out, and she's going for Colonel West's eyes.  Grrr!  I sent West a word of encouragement here.


  1. Maybe I'm smokin' sumthin, but it seems that whatever the MSM says is generating the oposite response from Americans as a whole.

    And they are so far removed from reality that they do not see it.

  2. Give me an effin' BREAK!

    "At a Constitutional Rights rally attended by biker clubs that brag about their association with The Outlaws."

    Let me translate that to Middle School speak: "Dude, like, he was TOTALLY hanging out with Kymber and Aiden. And Kymber and Aiden TOTALLY hang out with the football team! VARSITY football team! *SQUEE*"

    So, Allen West knows a guy who knows a guy who met a chick who once dated some dude that sold gas to a guy in an Outlaws vest and NBC features it prime time. President Obama hangs out with an admitted terrorist who is unrepentant for bombings and planning bombings and that's perfectly okay. Nothing to see here, people.

    Thanks for clarifying that.

  3. BTW - where is the People magazine photographer snappin' up shots of LTC West in his Under Armour? Because that man is in some hawt shape.

    I guess all the cameras are hoping for another "President splashing in the waves" shot.

  4. Maybe I'm smokin' sumthin, but it seems that whatever the MSM says is generating the oposite response from Americans as a whole.

    You left out that we must all be idiots for not seeing it the way they do.

  5. "President splashing in the waves" shot.


    You're welcome.

  6. Shirtless Putin!

    Is he swimming or defeating a radioactive, supersized hammerhead shark with a frickin' laser beam on its head?

  7. Trunkless Putin is fast in the water because he has a Brazilian! Zoom!

  8. You're on a roll tonight little "lady"

  9. afw: *SQUEE* LMAO you should be writing "closed captions" for TV shows...

  10. I get a "site summary" every Sunday from sitemeter. Shirtless, glabrous Putin asked me to share it with you:

    The Conservative Kitchen Table

    -- Site Summary ---
    Total ....................... 15,685
    Average per Day ................. 47
    Average Visit Length .......... 9:45
    This Week ...................... 332
    Page Views
    Total ....................... 63,127
    Average per Day ................ 178
    Average per Visit .............. 3.8
    This Week .................... 1,248

    Cool, huh? I love our little blog. :X

  11. I think it is all the brilliant young ladies on the blog!

  12. Wow.

    I think it's because EVERYONE is talking about President Obama's qualifications. Everyone has Obama on their blog.

    But not everyone has Shirtless Putin. Parting the waters of Lake Baikal and fighting radioactive sharks, no less.

  13. And not everyone has Timmy Page, either. :)

    We're unique in many ways. Many. Many. Ways.

  14. "Coming up next on NBC News: Photos of Allen West folding white sheets at the laundromat link Tea Party favorite to the Ku Klux Klan."


    I am trying to stay calm as it's much better for my health. The left is so ridiculous in these phony attacks (against R. Paul and several others also). I kind of enjoy is because it is simply a sign of their desperation to sink to these levels. They know they can't win on the issues. LMAO at the schmuck who is running in W VA and putting out his gun-anti Pelosi-anti spending ad.

  15. florrie - I nearly fell off the couch laughing at the anti-Rand-Paul ads.

    Really - it's true. The God of Aqua Buddha? RLY? It's like a cartoon, already! And then he brought it up at a debate! OMG - PRICELESS!

    I know that people think anyone in the south or the hills of any southern state is brain-less, but did they really imagine that would cause a hiccup in Republican voting?

    "Hay there, Martha? Did you see that there ar-tee-cle about Rand Paul? He doesn't go to church, he worships some Baal God called Aqua Buddha![ed note: you pronounce this "a" like in apple - aaa-kwa bood-uh. Proper hillbilly speak is all about pronunciation.]"

    "Ah-kwa Boo-duh? We don't hold with those Satan religions in this here parts!"

  16. afw, ROFLMAO!!!

    You nailed it :-)
