Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Happy Tuesday: The Bite Me Edition

The President speaks:

"People out there are still hurting very badly, and they are still scared. And so part of the reason that our politics seems so tough right now, and facts and science and argument does not seem to be winning the day all the time, is because we're hard-wired not to always think clearly when we're scared," Obama said at a Democratic fundraiser Saturday in Boston. "And the country is scared, and they have good reason to be."

Bite me, you spoiled, badly educated Marxist drone.  Your platitudes are insulting.  You've never had a real job where you actually created something of value from raw materials.  Millions of us schlubs worked in factories or pounded nails to pay your way through school, and your ungrateful wife through school too.  Scared?  You think the peons are scared?  Try again.

We're angry.  We're very angry.  Your "science" is bought-and-paid-for CRAP.  Your politics are to force-feed us a socialist system that has never worked anywhere.  The facts?  How about the fact that the rest of the world is kicking our ass in manufacturing, the unemployment rate and the debt are in the nosebleed section and getting higher, our politicians are corrupt, our currency is in the toilet, and an unprecedented number of people are on the dole.  Those facts?  You must be kidding about "argument"; I haven't heard you give a satisfactory argument for anything except "vote for me", and even that turned out to be smoke and mirrors.

Don't pretend to understand us.  You don't.  We'll tolerate you for another two years because we're a peaceable country, and then we're sending you home to never-never land.


  1. Lady Red, could you be a little more clear on how you feel about the President? :)

    I agree with you completely. You seem to be on a roll heading towards election day.

  2. You said it, lady red! You can speak for me anytime, I couldn't agree more.

    I hope he keeps yapping, it will ensure a great turnout of us fearful, voting dunces in 2 weeks.

  3. My favorite line:

    "Bite me, you spoiled, badly educated Marxist drone."

  4. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't hear his stupid speech. I was too busy bitterly clinging to my gun. And my religion.

    'Cuz I love my thirty ought six and Jesus. Not necessarily in that order.


  5. What I said in this post is mild to what I'm hearing all around me. The peeps are spitting nails, and the melting pot is about to boil over. It's crazy.

    What's the mood where you all live?

  6. Well, we live in RachelCorrieland. Seriously.

    But even here in the bluest of blue Washington, the republican (Rossi) is only a point behind the dem (Murray, @#$%^&, ptooey) in the latest poll.

    My prediction: He will win by a slight margin and then be challenged as he was after he won the gubernatorial race in 2004. The dems better not try to steal this one as people have had it with that crap.

  7. "My prediction: He will win by a slight margin and then be challenged as he was after he won the gubernatorial race in 2004. The dems better not try to steal this one as people have had it with that crap."

    And t=some judge will agree to find in Rossi's behalf if the Republicans can produce people who will testify that they broke the law by voting illegally.

  8. potus was in mah town today to campaign for the Dem gubernatorial candidate. He screwed up traffic pretty good, which is a plus, I think.

  9. lady red - they're growing weary of happy fun potus over at HuffPo, too!

    Check out the comments...

  10. You mean SpookyDudePo? George'll whip those commenters into shape (after he blasts Fox with his million dollar death-ray gun).

    It's amazing how POTUS is hopping state to state trying to rally the little people. You know, the women. The minorities. The youngsters.

    Obama: "If you don't vote for us, terrible things will happen!"

    Little People: "You mean I might lose my job, Mr. President? What do you mean by terrible? Terrible as in my home being foreclosed on by the bank? Or massive crowds of civil unrest? Or government corruption at all levels? Or my money not being worth squat?"

    Obama: "Shut up!"

  11. Lady Red, our own private polling company. I think you have the public mood summed up rather well.

  12. lady red totally nailed it in #10.. Oh yes. Brilliant.

  13. lady red totally nailed it in #10.


  14. This is My Partner and I am glad to know her.
