Friday, October 8, 2010

Election Ratings, The Google Way

Google has a widget that shows the current leanings for the mid-term elections, either nationally or broken down by state.


  1. Very cool. There's not a whole lot of blue on any of the maps, is there?

    Come on, November!

  2. Of course you know the red & blue are reversed from how they should be.

    During Cold War Era war games, the Blue Army was always the US & allied forces, while the Opfor (understood to mean the USSR & their slave armies, though usually not actually designated that way) was always the Red Army.

    So really it should be red for the anti-American Democrat forces, still today.

  3. Washington state is lily-white...there was a bogus poll (sampled from the bluest of blue cities, Seattle, right RadioMatt?) that put Murray up by 13 although Rossi has been leading slightly for several weeks. Doesn't matter, that's not going to sway any voters either way. I agree with Dick Morris when he spoke about the Reid/Angle race that if the long-time incumbent is even or slightly behind, they will lose as the "undecideds" historically end up voting for the challenger. He is very astute politically so I'm thinking that will also apply in this Washington race. More than one of the talking heads in NY and DC say that it is the race that will decide the Senate majority.
