Thursday, September 2, 2010

Pet Goats Run Away From Home, Hide Under Bridge

 The strangest things happen in Montana!


What could these little rascals be doing?


  Two young goats wandered onto the thin ledge of a railroad bridge and spent nearly two days high above the ground until rescuers in a towering cherry picker plucked them from their perch, hungry but safe.

You can read the whole delightful story here.


  1. Whoa! I had to check this one out right away. A friend of mine lives in Montana and has pet goats....


    ....22 of them in fact, all trained like dogs....


    ...and get along with one dog very well.

    Tom's a steel sculptor, among other mediums he uses, but steel is the hardest....


    ...2800 pounds of hammered and forged steel...a life sized artwork.

  2. Oh...yeah, the two stranded goats were not his. He's 25 miles south of I-90 so chances were slim.

  3. The sculpture is amazing! How long does it take him to complete such an intricate work?

  4. That's a beautiful sculpture ari, and the goats are cute too :)

  5. Oh, I do like that sculpture, Ari. Very nice piece of art.

  6. My brother has a couple of goats. They always have to be on top of something. Rock, stump, little kid, anything. He put up a little metal shed for the goats sleep in... woke the next morning to a horrible banging coming from the shed. It stopped by the time he got out there, though. When he looked in, he saw the goats standing on a little 2-inch-wide ledge that was about 4 feet up the wall. They figured, after much effort, that they could jump up there and stand in the corners.

    Those two goats on the bridge were probably in their glory.
