Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Falling Man

There are so many images from 9/11 that still haunt my mind.

This is just one of them.

"Maybe he didn’t jump at all, because no one can jump into the arms of God.
Oh, no. You have to fall."


  1. "But as Gwendolyn says: 'It’s not about trying to find out who he is, but what his death says to all of us.' And what it says is … never again."

    "Reader Harold A. e-mails: 'The image of 9/11, I remember most is of a woman who jumped from the first tower. On the way to her death she was trying to keep her dignity by holding her skirt down. THAT SIGHT will remain in my head forever, yet I have never seen it again. What happened to that video piece?'”

    We do not see those images because, if we did see them, we might have negative thoughts about the barbarians who are trying to kill us. We can't have that now, can we?

    Those images are important. They show us that people, individuals dies that day. While the images of the building on fire are terrible, they are still academic, the are cold. For us to see people in their last moments is too powerful. We must not forget. We must allow the Obamas or the Bloombergs make us forget.

    Anyone up for a group contribution to the scholarship fund? From everything I have read he was a fine young man. And it think it would make a statement.
