Friday, August 20, 2010

Sleeping With The Enemy

An FBI 'whistleblower' reveals how the current (and previous, to some extent) administration has taken CAIR, The islamic Brotherhood, and others (including the ever-patriotic ACLU) into the highest councils of the FBI, CIA and other security organizations, in the name of 'sensitivity'.

From the article:

"How does something like this happen in America? According to the FBI Special Agent, they walk in wearing “a very nice suit and an incredibly warm demeanor and, nuzzling up to the leaders of DHS, FBI State Department, to get that leader to defer to that individual – in this case, that individual is an enemy of the United States.”

President Obama’s embrace of Imam Rauf is clearly evidenced by his support for the Ground Zero mosque, as well as President Obama’s decision to send Imam Rauf to the Middle East to represent America . I suspect that Imam Rauf’s trip will allow him to more effectively communicate our investigative techniques to Hamas.

The ACLU’s seat at the table with our FBI, DHS, DoD and State Department might explain how attorneys got their hands on the names of CIA agents that assisted in the capture of terrorists who are held at Guantanamo Bay . Recall that attorneys visited Guantanamo Bay and, by showing photographs of CIA agents to the Islamic detainees, put the lives of the CIA agents in jeopardy.

It’s important to ask whether President Obama’s embrace of Imam Rauf and his cohorts have anything to do with the 330% increase in coalition fatalities in Afghanistan and the 620% increase in soldiers being wounded."


  1. Simple enough to figure this one out, turn to Matthew 10:36

  2. 'And a man's foes shall be they of his own household'.

    Michael - that was a pretty generic verse in this circumstance. Especially to me, who considers neither muslims or Obama as part of my household.
