Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fed To Savers: Drop Dead

James P. Gannon has wiped the lipstick off the pig in this stark commentary.  I found myself nodding in agreement, especially at this:

Obama's big-spending stimulus plans clearly have failed to revive the economy, and the Fed's policy of printing money and virtually giving it away have rewarded the wrong people and left responsible folks -- those who work, pay taxes, restrain their spending and put away some savings -- feeling like suckers being conned in a political shell game.

1 comment:

  1. "Obama postures as the champion of ordinary people and the bane of the "rich" but the outcomes of his policies suggest the opposite is true. Under these policies, working people are suffering, retirees living on fixed incomes are being punished, small businesses are struggling to hang on, while big banks and corporations are making out just fine."

    Only idiots still believe that the Dems are the party of the 'little guy'. What it has become is the party of serfdom, with a few extremely wealthy elites and a much greater number of 'serfs' who continue to vote Dem because they have not yet (nor will they ever, probably) realized that every entitlement only enslaves them further.
