Sunday, August 8, 2010

Debate between Santorum & Boxer

Y'know, I am so utterly bloody f'ing sick of media assholes defining the public debate.

Listen to Rick Santorum desperately trying to pin down Boxer on when a 'partial-birth' abortion becomes a baby murder.

And then remember how Santorum was characterized as a radical while Babs the Butcher is still lauded as mainstream.


  1. You mean you actually give a f**k about what the MSM says?

  2. Matt- No, I don't care. But far too many people still listen to them, and accept their judgements.

  3. Dances, that's the problem in a nutshell. The media shouldn't HAVE judgments. They should report the facts, and allow us to make our own judgments.

    I don't think too many people get their nightly news, er, make that nightly propaganda spiel, from the MSM.
