Sunday, August 15, 2010

But how does he really feel?


  1. Probably the right message for his district.

    However: I'd say that the average swing voter in 2010 - someone who voted for Obama, and is now prepared to go to the polls and pull the lever for an R, will likely balk at the "worst president in history" line.

    This is just my political finger in the wind.

  2. I'm not so sure, Lewy. I think that might strike a chord with people this time. After all, they listened to the Dems and what they said, and now they know how wrong they (both the Dems and the voters) were.

  3. Matt, the "Obama is the worst president ever" line will not work around where I live. It will merely invite a recitation of the litany against Republican presidents, starting with Hoover and ending with GWB. The sun will set before that litany is over. Once some MSM brainwashed "progressive" starts in on it, it's like a siphon, it can't be stopped until they're drained.

    Of course I'm not sure what would be sufficient to get more R Congress critters from Oregon. But again, inviting comparison to Republican presidents is to invite a futile argument which _may_ motivate an otherwise disheartened D to go to the polls anyway.

    So I avoid comments like that.

    If it works for Ben - awesome. I certainly won't argue that point with him.
