Monday, August 30, 2010

Beck Launches News Website

Ladies and gents, may I present.....The Blaze!

Says Mr. Beck:

The Blaze will be about current news — and more. It’s not just politics and policy. It’s looking for insight wherever we find it. We’ll examine our culture, deal with matters of faith and family, and we won’t be afraid of a history lesson.
The image of flame is a powerful. It has long stood for a burning truth. A truth that is not consumed. The Blaze will pursue truth. Of course we will make mistakes. Honest mistakes. And we’ll be quick with corrections. We intend to earn your trust and keep it day in and day out with hard work and a lot of transparency.

My goodness, does the man ever sleep?  It's a good-looking website, and judging from the crowds he drew over the weekend, I'm sure it'll be a big success. 


  1. Good for him!

    I'm sure it will draw and overwhelmingly white audience.

    tee hee

    But for reals, I hope it's successful, I enjoy his show on FNC and don't have much time on the computer so I probably won't often read it.
