Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Synagogue Vandalized...In Maryland!

I found this story on Drudge this morning, and have yet to see it mentioned elsewhere.

But the anti-Semitic vandalism didn’t stop there. Swastikas were spray-painted across the entire building and sidewalk and German references to the Holocaust were found on lampposts even parking spots.
“The words ‘Arbeit Macht Frei,’ which translate to 'work will set you free,'” said Rabbi Ari Sunshine. “Those are the words that are written above the entrance to the Auschwitz concentration camp.”

More from a local news source.   The rabbi isn't going to paint over the words until the whole town has an opportunity to see what's been done.  Wise man.


  1. And in other anti-Semitic news, Olivah Stonah apologized for his latest Jew-hating rant, and said his remarks were "clumsy".

    He and Mel Gibson should get together and do lunch.

  2. What truly amazed (and sickened) me is how many empty-headed* fools at the site were claiming this was done by the members of that synagogue to garner sympathy.

    *Actually, I should say heads full of hatred and evil.

  3. This is just sickening, I am discouraged to read about this happening. I'm glad I didn't read the comments, Dances, if that's what people were saying.

    Last week, the Board of the Co-op that I belong to (and love) decided to boycott Israeli products; this without consulting the members. As a member, I told them I wouldn't set foot in their store until this ridiculous boycott was reversed and said "Shame on you!". They are having a meeting in the middle of August to "reconsider" but if they keep the boycott, I'm turning in my membership. People have a right to opinions but they shouldn't make buying healthy food political. Not to mention that they are ill-informed, anti-Semitic losers.

  4. Florrie, I hope that other members of the co-op are as adamant as you are.

  5. I hope so too, lady red. I think it's disgusting what they are doing.

    Fred Meyer is happy to take my money without forcing me to accept some racist, biased policy.
