Thursday, July 22, 2010

Rangel looking forward to hearing.

I love FNC's title; The Hitchhiker's Guide to Understanding Today's Ethics Committee‎.

I'm sure they will be as tough on Charlie as they were on Newt...

Dubious cat asks "Hmmm, ya think?".


  1. No, dubious cat. I think they will just wag their fingers and say "straighten up, Charlie!".

    That's why we need to vote out ALL these crappy politicians who haven't ANY ethics. Sorry, Charlie.

  2. Love "dubious cat" LOL.

  3. I am sure they will be very rough on Charlie. He might even feel a slight sting on his wrist after they slap it.

    Another possibility is that they may really come down on him to try and make the American people think that Democrats are tough on unethical people. I could also win lotto this week, too.

  4. I think dubious cat is giving Charlie the middle claw under her fur.

  5. LOL! Dubious cat is counting the days until the November election (102).

    Dubious cat also thinks there's room under the bus for Rangel, now that Obama has dragged Sherrod out from under the tailpipe.
