Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mom Of The Week?

For the love of Pete!  Get a load of this:

About 10 a.m., officers went to 136 Hi-Lo Drive in reference to an injured child who allegedly fell from a moving vehicle. When they arrived, officers found an 8-year-old boy who had cuts and scrapes on his left arm and an injured left ankle, police said.

The investigation indicated an 11-year-old girl was driving a 1992 Honda Accord while the boy and his sister were riding on the trunk, police said.

According to the police report, White told police the 11-year-girl was baby-sitting her kids and took the car without permission.

I found this story while perusing  Knoxnews out of Knoxville, Tennessee.


  1. Do not know what is going on with the poll (above) but I tried voting from work and from home, and it simply will not accept ANYTHING from me.

  2. OT....I was the first to vote on the survey at the top of the page. I voted "Ack, None of the above"...and saw it recorded that way.

    Now, as I sign on, with no more voters recorded, somehow my vote changed to Caribou Fucking Barbie?

    I just tried to change it, and no luck...I mark "Ack" , it posts the Shithead Hick Savant anyway.

    Take down that piece of shit poll.

  3. Actually, I recall I was the first to vote - also for the ACK/NOTA-2012 ticket (Go ACK!)... I'm playing around with it a bit - I have a firefox plugin which lets me switch cookies in and out - and the poll gives different results depending on which cookie profile I have selected. Weird. Can't explain why it should do that, seems to me it should show the same results regardless.

    What I was trying to do right now with the cookie thing was rack up a quick 50 votes for Sarah Palin (on general principle), but sadly the poll seems to filter on IP addresses - it won't let me vote twice even if I clear cookies.

    So when I go downtown tomorrow with my new Android phone, I'll log into a few open wifi's I pass by and vote for sarah... early and often... ;)

    As an aside, internet polls are notoriously difficult to implement correctly, are equally notoriously unscientific, and, IMHO, should be enjoyed for the fun diversion they are. Look at the fun Ari's having! ;)

  4. Lewy...great, not only does the damn thing mis-represent out votes, it tells both of us we were the first to post on the poll.

    The chance I'd even nod my head toward Caribou Barbie is so slight you'd more likely with $350 million in the lottery and break MGM's casino in the same day.

    Who designed this thing? Glen Beck?

  5. Before anyone takes exception to my lumping Beck and Palin together, understand this: I am not one who thinks total moron grifters are necessary to represent a conservative mind set. Those two insult my intelligence.

  6. Um, I voted ACK, and it told me I was first, too.

    Apparently this poll buys into the current method of teaching wherein everyone is in first place and the answer isn't as important as the path taken to get there.

  7. Dear AFW..... :)

    YAY!! We're all SPECIAL!! x(

  8. I'm totally special. I'm a Precious Little Snowflake. My Mommy told me.


  9. OK, now that the "magicians's force" vote poll is gone, I will tell you why I think Palin should NEVER run for president.

    Not that she is unqualified (the 'current occupant' proves that anyone who can string thre words together 'qualifies') or that her stance on aerial wolf-hunting makes her a villain (sorry, Ari, but true).

    The simple fact that the Dems/MSM (apologies for the repitition) have spent so much time & effort blackening her name, AND the majority of fools-who-vote STILL believe the MSM (like my mother, who is not stupid, but cannot fathom that the media is anything but impartial).

    The fact is that voting for Palin would be a wasted vote, and almost certain to confirm a second term for the vile piece of shit that is currently our 'president'

  10. There is an obvious path to power in this country.

    Legally change your name to "None of the Above" and get your name on the ballot.

  11. DWT said: "...or that her stance on aerial wolf-hunting makes her a villain (sorry, Ari, but true)."

    Really? We must have different definitions of what life is and what value life has per se. First and foremost, life is to be respected, and if you can be callous with one animal form it is a very short step to callousness with other mammalian forms, including human. History tends to bear that philosophy out IMO.

    I don't contend Palin is unfit because she favors gut shooting wolves and black bears (and any other predator that impinges on Caribou or Moose populations for other hunters to shoot, frequently for trophy purposes only).

    No, it is because as a "family values" and "value of life advocate" candidate she is a hypocrite of the first order. That she applies wanton & arbitrary killing to a species that is one of the highest orders of socialization short of humankind is revealing, and it's manifest ignorance of scientific knowledge astounding vis a vis gene pools and behavior patterns in predators when alpha members are arbitrarily culled by whatever means.

    Having hunted 2 legged "game" I can tell you there is nothing more exciting. Perhaps she'd like to let me pot shot her, from aircraft, running for her life in a trackless wilderness. OMG, who'd care for baby Trig?

    Truth is simple enough. She should try it.

    You'll note, please, considering her loud "family values" stances, that I've not mentioned both her and her daughter's proclivity for procreating and marriage, in that order. Fruit/Tree...get it?

  12. BTW, DWT...Palin's stance on natural predator eradication in trackless wildernesses puts her in precisely the same mind set as Obama's boy Ken Salazar, Sec of the Interior. I'm sure you find that uplifting.

  13. Lewy...vis a vis name changing to "None of the Above": I think we've already done that...does "Obama" mean "None of the Above" in Bantu?

    There, that's my bigotry ration for today.

  14. Ari, I hope you don't have the idea that I approve of aerial wolf-killing, because I do not.

    I think it is stupid policy, and unnecessary. But it did not originate with Palin, although she, like every other Alaskan governor, could have stopped it.

    I just can not equate it, no matter how much I try, with a truly evil, not just misguided, stance on something like partial-birth abortions, which the Current Occupant has championed for all of his public life.

  15. The poll was intended to be a fun diversion, not a source of frustration. My apologies, ladies and gents.

  16. DWT....

    A.) you said, in essence, that it wasn't evil. It is evil. Life is life...except to lying hypocrites like Palin. No majority of principled hunters advocate the Aeriel practice, let alone to poisons and traps.

    B.) She damn well is a villain in the current affair. The voters of Alaska defeated it twice, by majority vote, but when the referendum sunset date occurred, she reimplemented it, on her own initiative in accord with Board of Game wishes. Alaska Board of Game to Alaska...same thing as Cook County Commissioners and Chicago Ward Heelers. Her fellow traveler, Obama's Ken Salazar could end it with one stroke of his pen, but he won't. Wonder why?

    C.) How is partial birth abortion more evil rather than "misguided"? You've just stated my premise...that people who will tolerate one horror will soon tolerate the other horrors (as history documents)...Palin is merely playing the $ide that will give her the mo$t gain....for now. It has nothing to do with principle. Inhumane killing (gut shooting) is inhumane, period.

    D.) Temple Grandin has made a career of advocating that even domestic food animals deserve respect even unto death. That is principle. What Palin re-implemented is pure indifferent political expedient serving a minority of Alaskans as demonstrated by prior referendums.

    E.) As I stated, we obviously have a different value system for life per se. Palin has none at all except where and when per$onally convenient. I wouldn't trust her to baby-sit a stuffed rag doll. Some hockey player would be fucking it in her living room sooner than later. Then she'd set it up for speaking tours at $15k to $30k a pop.

    The ignorant bitch, along with equally ignorant Glen Beck, will do to the legitimate Tea Party conservative movement what the John Birchers did to the Republicans previously. Assure their defeat.

  17. I like Sarah Palin.

    I think she is misguided when it comes to gut-shooting wolves from planes, and I hope she will revise her views.

    However, I think she is gutsy and truly cares about the state of our Republic. She has weathered an unprecedented onslaught of hatred and scorn, and is still standing. The gal is tough as nails. I do not believe she will compromise her values for personal gain. So what if she charges speaking fees? Doesn't everyone? Why should she be held to a different standard?

  18. Lady Red said: "She has weathered an unprecedented onslaught of hatred and scorn, and is still standing."

    Oh, please. What exactly has she risked by what she's doing? She revels in the is her shtick. And she's made a good living at it.

    Next, tell me about any substantial plans she laid out has for actually curing the country's ills? Support for her is like voting for the noisiest cheerleader to replace the quarterback in football game.

    I give less of a dang about speaking fees, I just find them ludicrous given her own background and behavior.

    You're right about her not compromising any values...she has none. I've been paying attention to her for at least 2 years prior to her VP nomination. I thought she'd change on a national stage. She didn't. She quit her day job and took her "show" on the road.

    I actually feel sorry for those who admire her, and that includes the occasional bleat from my better half. PT Barnum did the same thing.

    She has swept in like an ill wind and become the "face" of the Tea Party movement, much to the entertainment of any opposition.

    In Michigan, as of this week, a Democratic operative registered the "Tea Party" as a formal party in the state entitled to separate ballot space, nomination, etc. Oh, yeah, they're scared of Barbie. Not.

    She's all talk. She in fact quit only her second real executive job after less than 3 years to take advantage of the whole thing.

  19. BTW...her wolf killing policy is merely a symptom, not the disease...but it is a symptom she shares with Obama's people. Life has no value per se.

    Like a chronic cough isn't lethal, it's symptomatic. But if caused by Tuberculosis it can foretell it.

  20. imgw:""
