Friday, July 23, 2010

For Florrie...

Florrie was wondering what to have for dinner. We recommend the Waldorf Salad.

With Hebrew sub-titles!


  1. He wasn't the hotel inspector, was he?

  2. This is the first time I've seen Fawlty Towers. Is it on the telly in Canada?

  3. I have not seem it up here, Lady Red. It was a staple on PBS stations for years.

  4. Oh, okay. I must've missed it. Too busy watching Nova, I guess. :)

  5. Thank you, sweet Fay! That was a great episode, as they all were!! Lady red, try to catch the reruns, they are hilarious. The part of the maid, Polly, was played by John's American wife. I thought her accent was great but then I'm not British, what do you think, Fay? At least, she was MUCH better than Dick Van Dyke, eh? :-)

    I especially loved the older lady who was nearly deaf and thought some of her $$ was stolen the same time Basil finally won at the races...and when he and Polly were trying to get rid of a dead body without the guests noticing. lol, I can tell I'll have to get the DVDs :-)

  6. Like florrie says lady red, you must try to catch it if you can. I've probably seen all the episodes at least eight or nine times each and they always make me LOL! As Matt said, PBS used to run them over and over again (we get the Seattle PBS station up here in the land of the fat arsed housewife homourourourourless frozen north).

    Wow florrie, I am shocked to learn that Connie Booth is American. Her English accent was perfect.

    I can't really pick a favourite, they were all hilarious. And I absolutely loved Manual ("I'm from Barthelona!") Don't heet me Meester Fawlty!
