Saturday, June 5, 2010

We're Too Broke To Be This Stupid

Mark Steyn in MacLeans.

Oh, heck.

It's short, just read it, eh?


  1. Sigh... is Mark ever right. Though I admit to cracking up at, "...if they’re so damn proud of it, why can’t they pay for it?" I had missed that when it happened.

    But, one needs a laugh now an again. When considering if we will ever see an end to " longer wishes to be that stupid. Though, sadly, it has taken me too many years to figure that out.

  2. Thanks Dances. Steyn is, as usual, quite brilliant.

    This article has almost 600 comments, I only read a few but I LOL'd at this one:

    "Thank goodness the CBC gets a billion dollars a year of our money to counteract free-enterprise Steyn's right-wing ravings. This column was so good, we may have to throw an extra billion their way."
