Saturday, June 5, 2010

Another short but good read...

I think.

From Isegoria, who quotes Matt Ridley discussing how

"trade is to culture as sex is to biology"

About the good of 'group-think', though its exact opposite actually.


  1. sex is to biology as trade is to culture.
    Self-sufficiency — subsistence — is poverty.

    Yes, I agree with these. I'm about a pro-trade as is sanely possible (IMHO). Pro sex, too! ;)

    The problem is that dependence and debt are slavery. Dependence and debt follow from trade pursued with promiscuous abandon as surely as VD follows from sex so pursued.

    Pity on both accounts, really.

  2. Is that anything like love and marriage, I wonder. The slavery of which you speak. Dependence abounds... and debt for many, seems to follow.

    Three cases of the clap on my tours. I'm not a cautious fellow.

  3. Luther, thanks for sharing! :-*

  4. Nah, didn't wait. Didn't like pain. Though when threatened with court-martial after the 3rd occasion I did learn to be more careful. I wonder who 'meloveyoulongtime' is? Someone with experience that's for sure. Was it you, Ari? :)
